Displaying a Call to Action for Not Logged In Users

You can use the “Conditional Display” feature to display a call to action that is visible only for the not logged in users of your website.

This can be a button, for example, that’s added to your template header. The visitors landing on your school homepage should see a message encouraging them to become members of your online school community. The button will be hidden from the students that are already logged in;

In this quick guide I’ll show you how you can achieve just that.

First, head over to Thrive Apprentice from your WordPress admin dashboard:

Click on the “Design” tab of the left sidebar:

And start editing your currently active design:

Access the template editor in order to find the default school homepage:

And when found, hover over it and click on “Edit”:

This will open the course index page, where all your published courses are listed:

Here, I will start by editing the main header section, right at the top where my menu is. Click anywhere in that area and start editing it:

Note: you can toggle the header visibility from the left sidebar settings of your page:

With your header ready for editing, check if it already has a button added to it, or if not, add one from the right sidebar:


In order to access the “Conditional Display” feature, your button should be placed in a container that supports this feature. In this article you can find more detailed information about this feature and how to use it.

For this example, I will make sure that my button is placed within a “Content Box” element:

Use the options available in the left sidebar to customize the button:

What you can also do here is to use the dynamic links to redirect the visitor to the login page, where they can create an account:

First, select the “Site” option from the first drop-down list:

And then the “Login” option:

Lastly, click on “Insert”:

After you have customized the button, select from the breadcrumbs the container in which that button is placed (the content box , in this case):

And look for the “Conditional Display” tab of the left sidebar:

Click on it to expand it:

Hover over the default display and duplicate it:

This will give you the option to start working a duplicate version of the default one. Start by editing the name, so that it will be easier to tell them apart:

Then hover once more over it and start setting the conditions for this display:

In the pop-up that opens, you can start by selecting what should happen when the conditions are met:

I’ve selected the “Hide content” option, as my plan is to hide the call to action button when the user is logged in.

Next, you can proceed with actually setting up the condition.

The principle is as it follows: when a user (1) is logged in (2), then content will be hidden (3):

Save your configurations:

And now you have a second display, a duplicate of the original, that will be hidden whenever the condition you set here is met. The users who are already logged in will not see the call to action button. It will only be displayed to those visitors who do not have an account yet.

This is how you can use the “Conditional Display” feature to display a call to action button only for those visitors who do not have an account on your website.

Hopefully this quick guide was useful to you. Also, our knowledge base is one click away if you want to learn more about our products and features.

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