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  5. Displaying Different Pricing Options During Sales Promotion

Displaying Different Pricing Options During Sales Promotion

Let’s say you would like to offer a discounted price for some of the products/services that you are selling on your website.

You want to keep the same sales page that you currently have, but show different pricing options on a certain date (or during a period of time).

It might be during Black Friday, Christmas, Valentine’s Day or any other sales period you would have in mind. The main idea is that the pricing information should only change for a limited time, and then go back to the initially displayed values.

This can be easily done in the Thrive visual editor, with the help of the “Conditional Display” feature.

First of all, customize the sales page and make sure you have a block of content displaying the usual prices.

I will be using a predefined template from the Kwik theme that has a “Pricing Table” element added to it:

Now, in order to create an alternate version of this pricing table, you just need to make sure that it’s placed within a block of content that supports the conditional display feature. It can be a “Background Section” for example, or “Content Box” or even a “Block” element.

I can easily check that in the breadcrumbs. As you can see, mine it’s placed within a “Block” element:


If your page template does not have a “Pricing Table” added to it by default, you can use the element from the list:

With the “Block” element selected, I can go ahead and expand the “Conditional Display” tab of the left sidebar:

What you see here is the default display that’s currently available on your page. In order to quickly create a new display, you can just duplicate the already existing one:

This will instantly create a second display, which is a copy of the default one:

Click on the newly created display, in order to start making the necessary pricing changes. The display will turn bright orange, and you can also view in the breadcrumbs that you are currently editing the newly created version:

The first thing you can do here is to rename the display in order to easily differentiate between the multiple variations you might have.

For that, click on the pencil icon:

And simply rename this version:

Next, you can go ahead and adjust the pricing so that it reflects your currently offered price sale:

Besides changing the pricing, I’ve also added some additional text, letting the visitors know that this is limited time offer. Then I’ve added some icons that draw attention to the new pricing and also some shadows and text effects that lead the eye towards the offer.

With this set up and ready, you can next go ahead and start setting up the conditions for this display:

This lightbox will show up on your screen:

Here, click on “+ New condition set” to start setting up your condition:

Let’s set up the ‘when’ condition:

Select “Time and date” from the list, as we are interested in displaying this block of content on a certain date:

Then make sure you select the “Date” field in the next drop-down list:

And, in the following two fields that show up next, insert the exact date when you want to run your promotion and display the new price list:

After you set this up, save your newly created condition and return to the visual editor:

Your new display should now be visible only on the configured date.

Now anyone landing on your page before or after the selected date, will see the default price box. However, on the 24th of December, just as configured, the visitors will see the new pricing options.

This is just an example of the many ways in which you can use the “Conditional Display” feature from the Thrive visual editor.

Here are some resources from our knowledge base, that might help you along the way:

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