You can use the ‘Course completion’ tab of Thrive Apprentice to issue certificates to your students, after they successfully complete a course from your online school:

Here are the steps for activating this feature and customizing the certificate:
Access the “Course completion” tab
First, access the course for which you plan to issue the certificate:

Then, click on the “Course completion” tab:

This is where you can customize what happens when a student completes a course.
You can use the options available here to design and issue the course completion certificates, as well as customize the course completion behavior:

Here’s an article from our knowledge base if you want to learn how to set up the course completion behavior:
Issue course completion certificate
In order to be able to start issuing course completion certificates for the selected course, you first have to activate this toggle:

You’ll next have to agree on the “Data processing agreement & terms of use”:

Once the toggle is active, you’ll get this set of options:

Click on “View” to see how the certificate looks like:

If you want, you can open the certificate in “Thrive Architect” and change the existing template, or customize it:

Use the options available in the right and left sidebars, just like you would do with any other Thrive Architect page. All elements are editable, so you can hover over different parts of the certificate, select and edit the part you want:

Then, if you want to change the template and load a different one from the template library, you can do that as well.
For that, you need to access the template library:

Here, you can simply browse the list and pick a different template for your certificate:

Each certificate template has information such as the course title, teacher name, student name, a QR code, completion date and many more. This is dynamic data that will change according to the student to which this certificate is issued.
Here are some articles that you might find useful if you want to learn more about these topics:
- How To Use The Verification QR Code Element
- Enabling Certificate Verification For Thrive Apprentice Courses
- Using the Dynamic Thrive Apprentice Certificate Data
When you are done customizing your certificate, don’t forget to save your changes.
Lastly, while you are still on the “Course completion” tab of your selected course, use the URL from here if you want to provide the direct link to auto-download a certificate:

As mentioned in the above image, the certificates can be downloaded from the course completion page, as long as the “Issue course completion certificate” toggle is enabled. Therefore, make sure this toggle is active to give your students the possibility of downloading the completion certificate when they finish a course.
This were the steps for enabling the course completion certificate feature.