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  5. Loading Vidoes to be Compatible with Lazy-Loading and GDPR Compliant Plugins

Loading Vidoes to be Compatible with Lazy-Loading and GDPR Compliant Plugins

If you’re using Thrive Architect and have added various videos to your pages/posts, but later have changed your mind, and removed them, there might be some leftover code still running in the background.

This is not usually a problem for our users. However, sometimes these might interfere with some lazy-loading, or GDPR compliance plugins (such as Lite Speed Cache – for lazy loading; or Borlabs Cookie – for GDPR consents).

If you find yourself in this situation, you can activate an option from your Thrive Dashboard, that will solve this issue.

If these plugins don’t seem to be working as they should while using Thrive products, please access the General Settings section, by hovering over “Thrive Dashboard” in the left sidebar of your WordPress admin dashboard:

Scroll down to the end of the settings list, and you will see the “Load videos for compatibility with lazy-loading and GDPR compliance plugins” option. Make sure that the checkbox is ticked:

When enabled, this option will switch from the data-src iframe attribute to src.

This way, you can ensure that the plugins will not interfere with the video loading process.

Hopefully, this article was useful to you. Make sure to check out our knowledge base for more information about Thrive Themes and all of our products.

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