Refund Policy

Your purchase is protected by a 30-day money-back guarantee.

If you need to refund your purchase, then please open a support conversation here.

Please be sure to include the PayPal email address and PayPal Transaction ID of your purchase in the ticket that you raise.

Please note:

  1. It may take us up to 48 hours to process the refund, especially over the weekend when staffing levels are reduced. We are unable to give you a refund if your purchase was more than 30 days ago.

  2. In case you paid via credit card, please DO NOT raise a dispute or recharge request via the payment provider.
    The moment you do this, we can not process a refund anymore.
    This will cause long delays in getting your money back – it can take several months.

We can only refund the original purchase – please note that recurring payments are non-refundable as it falls outside of the 30 days trial period.

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