Do you want to enable certificate verification for those given out of Thrive Apprentice? You can do this by adding a QR code on the certificates for users to scan and verify.
Note: You can refer to our document to know how to add a QR code in the certificate.
In this article, we’ll show you how you can enable certificate verification by adding a QR code on it in Thrive Apprentice.
Enabling Certificate Verification
To be able to use a verification element on a certificate you need to ensure you’ve enabled Certificate Verification in Thrive Apprentice on your website.
To begin, open the WordPress admin area, navigate to Thrive Dashboard >> Thrive Apprentice, and click on Settings.
On the Thrive Apprentice settings page, click General Settings.
On the General Settings page, scroll down and click the toggle button to enable Certificate Verification.
Once you enable certificate verification, you can choose to either view or edit the WordPress page.
Certificates are generated as PDF files that are saved on the server. So, whenever a student tries to download a certificate again, the PDF copy from the server is presented.
If you want to clear the server and delete all the existing PDF files generated before, click Clear certificate cache.
Editing the Certificate Verification Element
The certificate verification element can be edited on a template where the element is present. Therefore, to edit this element, you’ll need to open a Certificate Verification template.
In this example, we’ll open the Certificate Verification Template that Thrive Apprentice offers. To open the certificate verification template, open your WordPress admin area, navigate to Thrive Dashboard >> Thrive Apprentice, and click on Design.
On the Design page, open the design you want to edit. In my example, I’ll hover on the Certificate Verification design I had created, and click Edit design.
Note: If you want to edit the current design, click the Edit design button seen beside it or you can create a new design by clicking +Add design button on the top right.
When you click Edit design, you’ll be taken to a page where you can manage the typography, open the Apprentice wizard and manage templates. On this page, click the Manage templates button.
Clicking Manage Templates will take you to the Templates page.
On the Templates page, under Core Templates, you’ll find the Default Certificate Verification template.
To edit this template, hover over it and click Edit.
When opening the Default Certificate Verification template in the editor, you’ll see the Certificate Verification element added on it by default.
Note: If you are using a custom template and not the Default Certificate Verification template, you can add the Certificate Verification element to it by clicking the plus (+) icon in the right column, type certificate verification in the search field, and drag and drop the Certificate Verification element on the page.
When the Certificate Verification element is on the page, click on it to open the options and settings in the left column.
In the left column, open Main Options and click the Edit Design button.
Once you click the Edit Design button, you’ll see an orange border around the page on the right and a panel to select the state of the element you want to edit.
These states are as below.
- Valid Certificate: The element that you are currently seeing in the editor.
- Certificate Verification Form: A form where users will be able to enter the certificate number to verify it. We’ll see this later down in the document.
Editing in the Valid Certificate State
In the Valid Certificate state that you see by default, you can edit anything on the Certificate Report.
To edit the data in the left column, simply click on the text and make required changes. However, please note that the changes you make in the left column should match with the dynamic text you enter in the right column.
To edit the dynamic text in the right column, click on the text. In the text editing panel, click on the drum icon to open Dynamic text settings and manage it there.
If you need further help understanding how to use the dynamic Thrive Apprentice certificate data, you can refer to our document here.
Apart from editing the text and the formatting in this state, you can also add more elements to it by clicking the plus (+) icon in the right panel, and selecting an element you want to add in here.
Editing the Certificate Verification Form State
To edit the verification form, in the floating panel, click the dropdown to switch the state to Certificate Verification Form.
When you select the certificate verification form state in the panel, you’ll see the form open in the editor.
Like the Valid Certificate state, here too you can hover on the form and edit everything you see. To edit a specific element on the form, click on it and use the options you see on the left.
For example, when we click on the button, the button options will appear in the left column.
After you finalize both the states of the Certificate Verification element, click Done on the floating panel.
When you are taken back to the template editor, click Save Work in the bottom left on the screen.
We’ve just seen how you can enable Certificate Verification in Thrive Apprentice and edit the Certificate Verification element on your website.
Next, you can customize the PDF file name of a certificate being downloaded from your website. Here’s our document that will help you with this.