Visiting the Goal Page in Thrive Optimize

On the second step of setting up your A/B test, you will have 3 test goal options: “Revenue”, “Visit Goal Page” and “Subscriptions”.

In this article we will look into how the “Visit Goal Page” option works:

First, you need to set up at least one link or one button on the Variation page that will send the visitor to a different page.

Then, you need to search for that page (or pages, if you have multiple links) in the “Goal Page” field:

You also have the option to add multiple-goal pages, if you have multiple links/buttons on the Variation page:

Below each page that you have entered in the “Goal Page” field, you will have the options to edit the page with Thrive Architect, preview it, or remove it from the “Goal Page” section:

This is how the “Visit Goal Page” option works. Don’t forget to check out the other tutorials for Thrive Optimize, as well!

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