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  5. Working of Thrive Apprentice with MemberMouse

Working of Thrive Apprentice with MemberMouse

If you have both Thrive Apprentice and MemberMouse installed on your website, you’re in for a treat! MemberMouse can now be used to set up protection options on your Thrive Apprentice courses.

Where is the Feature Found?

In order to see the MemberMouse protection options, first, go to your Thrive Apprentice dashboard, and access the “Products” section:

You will need to go to the product you want to set up the access restriction for using MemberMouse:

Go to the “Access requirements” option of the product:

On the right side of the screen, you will see a list with the options that can be set up, to decide how users are able to purchase the product. Amongst these options you will find the MemberMouse protection options:

Clicking on the section will open up the membership levels that you have created.

How Does This Work

As you can see, you will have two main sections: Membership Levels and Bundles. These options will determine how much access will your user have to your courses. Both the Membership Levels and the Bundles are imported from MemberMouse.

To set them up, you have to access MemberMouse > Product Settings:

On that page, you can find the two sections, on the navigation bar, allowing you to create and manage Membership Levels and Bundles:

If you want to learn more about how you can set up the Products, Bundles, and Membership Levels on MemberMouse, check out this tutorial:

If you have any further questions, don’t hesitate to send us a message or contact the MemberMouse Support Forum.

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