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  4. Thrive Leads Forms
  5. Display Settings and Lead Group Rules in Thrive Leads

Display Settings and Lead Group Rules in Thrive Leads

Here is a list of Thrive Leads logic rules that the plugin is built for:

  1. A lead group can target any part of your site you wish (the targeting options cover everything – custom post types, custom taxonomies, 404 pages, individual pieces of content)

  2. Inside a lead group, there are currently a number of different form types (ribbon, lightbox, widget, post footer, slide in, in content – soon more will be added). All form types can display at the same time, if desired, based on the various trigger settings that you select.

  3. Each form type within each lead group can have its own split test with automatic winner settings

  4. Form types can be split tested against each other within each lead group.

  5. Lead groups are ordered in a linear hierarchy from top to bottom

  6. The highest lead group that has display settings that return true for the content being viewed becomes the active lead group.

  7. Only one active lead group can be displayed at any point in time

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