Launch Your First Marketing Funnel



Get Started With Thrive Suite: Master the Entire Toolkit with These Short Lessons

You’re almost done with the first module of the Thrive Suite onboarding course!

Let's keep it up!

Welcome to Lesson 5.

By now you should have:

✔️ Set up your WordPress Theme (Lesson 1)

✔️ Selected, customized & published your Homepage (Lesson 2)

✔️ Published your first blog post (Lesson 3)

✔️ Deployed your first email opt-in form (Lesson 4)

It’s time to change gears and get you ready to drive traffic to your website and capture new leads.

In this lesson, you'll learn how to create your first marketing funnel on your website, using Thrive Architect.

More specifically, you'll be creating an email marketing funnel with a landing page specifically dedicated to your opt-in offer.

With this funnel, you can link your opt-in page to your social media, drive ads to it, and redirect visitors to your lead generation page — from anywhere in your website.

The truth is that marketing funnels don’t have to be complicated and you’ll see that in action with this tutorial. Challenge yourself to build and launch this basic lead generation funnel in 2 hours or less.

Rapid implementation is the hallmark of any successful online business, so you can absolutely do this as long as you don’t let yourself get lost tweaking the minor details!

So, don’t worry about hiring professional writers to do your landing page copy, or finding a designer on Fiverr or Upwork to create fancy graphics for your lead magnet.

Let's Get Started!

What you'll need to create a marketing funnel:

  • Thrive Architect, installed and activated
  • A subscription to an email marketing service (connected through our API module)
  • A downloadable lead magnet
  • Copy for your landing page
  • A teaser image for your lead magnet

The user journey you'll be creating looks as follows:

  1. Visitors explore and sign up to your opt-in form on your landing page
  2. Visitors are redirected to a confirmation page
  3. Visitors are asked to check their email inbox
  4. Visitors are sent to a second confirmation page, where they'll be able to download the lead magnet

Time to Build!

When it comes to creating elements of your marketing funnel, feel free to create them in any order you like. In this tutorial, we'll be creating the elements from back-to-front, as it tends to involve less jumping around between pages. 

Upload Your Lead Magnet

Let's start by uploading the lead magnet (ebook):

  1. In the Media tab click Add New
  2. Select your lead magnet and copy the URL link to your clipboard

Create the Second Confirmation Page

Next, let's create the second confirmation page (which contains the lead magnet):

  1. Head to the Pages tab and click Add New
  2. Give your new page a title and launch Thrive Architect
  3. To speed up the process, select the Pre-Built Landing Page option and choose from the available landing page sets
  4. To find a particular type of page, simply filter your search
  5. Select a template
  6. Link the Download button to your downloadable lead magnet by clicking on the Animation & Action tab and pasting in the downloadable lead magnet link
  7. Optionally, change icons and spacing, edit copy, replace images or choose a different color or patterned background for your content box
  8. Save your work

Should you have any questions about the Animation & Action tab, we suggest reading this helpful article: How to Use the Animation and Action Option

Set Up Your Confirmation Email

After completing your second confirmation page, it's time to hop over to your email marketing service and set up an automatic confirmation email to be sent to your new subscribers. Pay close attention - your email marketing service should be able to support double opt-in and allow you to customize your double opt-in email.

Create the First Confirmation Page

Next up, you'll need to create the first confirmation page:

  1. Repeat steps 3 - 5 (from above) and ensure that you've chosen the same design set as last time, to keep true to your styling
  2. Select a Confirmation Page and click Apply Template
  3. Customize the message and the styling to suit your website aesthetic
  4. Save your work

Create Your Opt-In Page

Lastly, you'll need to create a landing page containing your opt-in form:

  1. Repeat steps 3 - 5 (from above) and stick to the same design set styling you've chosen so far
  2. Select a Lead Generation Page
  3. Customize the text and images to match your overall look & feel
  4. Connect the lead generation form to your email service provider (for example: Mailchimp)
  5. Choose what happens after a new subscriber submits a form. In our example we will Redirect to a Custom URL and select the first confirmation page
  6. Finetune the rest of your age (copy, images, colors, spacing)

Voilà! You're done setting up your very first list-building marketing funnel.

Also, check out our funnel-building tutorial below:

Congratulations on completing Module 1 of Thrive Themes' Onboarding course!

By now, you should have a functional website up and running with a lead generation funnel and opt-in form launched to drive traffic to your website and capture new leads.

You’ve achieved all of this in less than a week. Well done!

But… just in case you haven’t finished all the Module 1 lessons so far, I want to check in and see how we can help.

Did you have trouble completing any of the lessons? Are you struggling with how to use the Thrive visual editor? Feeling stuck on how to customize your site just the way you wanted?

Not to worry… we’ve got our support team on standby, ready to assist you with any problems you encounter. You can reach them at [email protected], or by submitting a help request here.

Our Facebook Group also has many solopreneurs who are ready to offer a helping hand and cheer you on!

In the next lessons, you’ll learn how to:

  • Create your first digital product — an online course
  • Create your first online quiz to help generate even more leads
  • Run your first landing page A/B Test
  • And much, much more!

So, make sure your website is all caught up with Module 1 and get yourself ready for Module 2. It’s going to be fun!

Click Next to move on to Module 2.


Thrive Architect

Thrive Architect is a visual WordPress page builder, created for business websites that focus on conversion optimization.

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