Capture Your First Testimonial



Get Started With Thrive Suite: Master the Entire Toolkit with These Short Lessons

You’re almost done with the Thrive Suite onboarding course. Way to go!

Now it's time to turn your website into a conversion-optimized site with several 5-star customer reviews! ????

Welcome to Lesson 11!

In this lesson, you'll learn how to capture your first testimonial with Thrive Ovation.

This all-in-one WordPress testimonial plugin aims to help you boost both your conversions and sales, by collecting, displaying and managing testimonials.

Testimonials are a solid way to show new visitors that you offer high-quality products & services, and that your brand can be trusted to deliver.

In fact, this lesson provides you with a step-by-step guide showing you how to:

-> Create, design, and customize a unique testimonial capture page

-> Configure testimonials to show in the Thrive Ovation Dashboard

-> Place your testimonials on the right pages so your visitors see them right away

Remember …

A pretty sales page might draw in online visitors, but a shiny 5 star review  can tip the scales toward committing to a subscription or purchase. What people say about a product definitely has the power to influence other prospective customers.

If you'd prefer to move through the step-by-step process at your own pace, then our Knowledge Base article will be of great use to you: How to Capture Testimonials with Thrive Ovation 

Let's Dive In

To capture testimonials, choose from the following methods:

In our demonstration, we’ve created a page using Thrive Architect, and we’ve opted to use a Completely Blank Page. Feel free to choose the page type that suits your needs. Add a nice title section to your page by selecting a block design and customizing the section to suit your specific business aesthetic.

Next, deploy a Capture Testimonial element on your page and choose a template. Here, you'll be able to add your capture form questions, decide what happens after a form is successfully submitted, edit the success message, and  add tags for ease of display.

You'll want to word your questions creatively, so that the answers people provide will lend themselves toward great-sounding testimonials.

Once your website visitors have handed in their capture forms, all available testimonials will appear on your Thrive Ovation Dashboard ready for you to approve, reject or even minimally edit them.

If you'd like to learn more about the power of testimonials, we suggest reading the blog post:

How Marie Forleo Leverages Testimonials in Her Multi-Million Online Business

Display Your Testimonials on Your Website

To display testimonials on your sales page, simply drag & drop a Background Section as well as a Display Testimonials element onto the page and change the templates to match your style. Before you create a New Display Template, you'll need to choose between:

Decide whether to keep a particular testimonial list for future repurposing elsewhere on your website or simply to finish without saving. Customizing your testimonial is entirely up to you - get creative with them!

If you'd like to familiarize yourself with this Thrive Suite tool, click play on the video below:

Go on, give testimonials a try!

They're fun, effective and proven to boost credibility.


Congratulations, you did it! You've completed Module 2 of this Onboarding course.

By now, you should have:

✔️ Set up and customized your WordPress theme (Lesson 1)

✔️ Customized & published your homepage (Lesson 2)

✔️ Published your first blog post (Lesson 3)

✔️ Deployed your first email opt-in form (Lesson 4)

✔️ Built, designed & launched your first marketing funnel (Lesson 5)

✔️ Created your first digital product — an online course (Lesson 6)

✔️ Programed your first site automation (Lesson 7)

✔️ Launched your first landing page A/B test (Lesson 8)

✔️ Built & published your first online quiz (Lesson 9)

✔️ Designed your first “FOMO”-driven time scarcity campaign (Lesson 10)

✔️ Captured your first testimonial (Lesson 11)

…and you managed to do all of this in two weeks! Well done!

But, just in case you haven’t finished all the lessons, I want to check in to see how we can help.

For any technical issues or questions, reach out to our friendly support team: [email protected]

Our Facebook Group also has many solopreneurs who are ready to offer a helping hand to see you win.

You're part of the Thrive Themes Family now so please don’t hesitate to ask for help. We’re here to make sure you get your online business website up, running, and thriving.

Also, the course is always available to you so feel free to go back and repeat any of the lessons whenever you need a refresher for a Thrive Suite product.


Thrive Ovation

Thrive Ovation — The all-in-one WordPress plugin that allows you to gather and manage testimonials to boost conversions.

Thrive Architect

Thrive Architect is a visual WordPress page builder, created for business websites that focus on conversion optimization.

Thrive Leads

Use Thrive Leads to generate leads and grow your email list, with beautifully designed, conversion-focused forms.

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