Program Your First Automation



Get Started With Thrive Suite: Master the Entire Toolkit with These Short Lessons

Welcome to Lesson 7.

Today’s lesson shows you how to use Thrive Automator to create smart automations that integrate your WordPress site with your favorite plugins and email marketing tools!

Use this tool to supercharge your marketing funnel and trigger actions based on the steps users take when they complete a course, click a page on your website, fill in one of your opt-in or contact forms…and so much more.

By the end of this lesson, you'll have: 

➡️ Launched a free online course to capture leads and grow your email list

➡️ Tagged your new leads in your email marketing

➡️ Steered your visitors toward subscribing and buying

➡️ Promoted your premium product

➡️ Added a “countdown timer” to create FOMO about your offer

What makes Thrive Automator so powerful?

This plugin enables you to trigger automations based on user actions. For example, when users log on, fill out a form, complete a quiz or reach the end of a specific course lesson.

One single action can set in motion multiple other (re)actions, letting you supercharge your marketing funnels and running them on autopilot.

Now, while this lesson focuses on setting up an automation to help sell an online course product, this is just one of several ways to use Thrive Automator.

Let's Get Started

What you'll need to prepare before you run your first automation:

For more in-depth information about clever online course marketing strategies, read Hanne Vervaeck's blog post How to Use a Free Online Course to Sell Your Premium Online Course.

Start with a Quick and Easy Automation

For your first automation, let's assign an email marketing service tag to any user who completes lesson 1 of your free course - this will be your trigger setting.

Select the trigger for the automation, then select which condition needs to be met in order for the trigger to kick in (for example: lesson title, course title, module title, etc.).

Next, add the action of tagging the user in your autoresponder, and voilà! Your first automation is ready to go! 

As far as setting up an email autoresponder sequence, you'll need to do that in your email service provider. The message and offer (perhaps a special discount on your paid course) is entirely up to you.

Supercharge Your Marketing Funnel

Next, let's turn things up a notch. Promote your paid course with a dash of "FOMO", also know as a Thrive Ultimatum countdown timer.

Create a Thrive Ultimatum Campaign

Click Add New to start crafting a campaign from scratch. Select your preferred campaign type (evergreen campaign - triggered by user actions), determine how long you'd like the countdown timer to run (days, hours, minutes, seconds) and specify when you'd like the countdown to start (after a lead generation form submission).

Follow this step-by-step process up by picking a display mode as well as a suitable design (top ribbon). Make some stylistic changes to your chosen template for a more customized look & feel (font, color, background, etc). Ensure you connect the call-to-action button with your paid course's sales page.

To deepen your knowledge about automations, give our blog How to Connect Your WordPress Website to (Almost) Any Online Tool a read or watch the corresponding video below:

Add Your Thrive Ultimatum Campaign to Your Automation

You can now add your Thrive Ultimatum countdown timer to your automation, by adding another action (Start an Ultimatum Campaign and choosing one from the list). All it takes is a few clicks, and you're done!

Now It's Your Turn

Be daring and get creative with your automations, after all, it's all about boosting your business' conversions!

In need of technical support? Feel free to send us an email: [email protected]
Questions will be answered within 24 hours.

Also, visit our extensive knowledge base to find 100s of helpful articles on various Thrive Themes topics.

You've not only created your first-ever automation, you've also completed Lesson 7.

Click Next to start Lesson 8.


Thrive Automator

Use Thrive Automator to build workflows between your WordPress site, favorite plugins and email marketing tools!

Thrive Apprentice

Thrive Apprentice lets you build membership sites, structure and sell online courses while offering a customized student experience.

Thrive Ultimate

Boost your website's conversion rate by creating a greater sense of urgency amongst your visitors — with Thrive Ultimate.

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