Run Your First Landing Page A/B Test



Get Started With Thrive Suite: Master the Entire Toolkit with These Short Lessons

Welcome to Lesson 8.

In this lesson, you'll learn how to run your first landing page A/B tests, using Thrive Optimize, to:

  • Boost your conversion rates, 
  • Increase sales, and 
  • Generate more leads!

Thrive Optimize is Thrive Themes' plugin that enables you to perform simple, fast and highly effective A/B tests directly on your WordPress website. Create 2 versions of a specific page with 2 distinct design variations and track which page converts better, then declare a winner.

In case you'd like to learn more about Thrive Optimize, watch our Thrive Optimize Walkthrough Tutorial:

Let's Get Started

What you'll need to complete this lesson:

  • Thrive Architect, installed and activated
  • A landing page design (for example: sales page, lead generation page or homepage)

Are you driving traffic to a lead generation page to grow an email list, but you want to understand why you might not be generating as many sign-ups as you'd like? Set up a split test to see if you can improve the performance of that page.

How do you start your first A/B test?

Select the Create New Test button. Then, either create a new version of your page, or duplicate the current page and simply make your changes.

Run an A/B test on page details you've changed, added or removed, such as:

  • Headlines
  • Images
  • Button colors
  • Different type blocks or elements
  • Embedded videos
  • Testimonials

Changing more than one detail on the same lead-generation page, will not give you a clear indication as to what change influenced your conversion rate. It's best to stick to one change per A/B test in order to pinpoint your biggest noticeable conversion-driving contributor.

On your A/B Test Dashboard, you'll have the option to determine how much traffic you'd like sent to each landing page variation. Once you click the Set Up & Start New A/B Test button, you'll be able to activate the Enable Automatic Winner Settings toggle, which will allow Thrive Optimize to send all future traffic to your winning variation.

Choose from Revenue, Visit Goal Page and Subscriptions to set as your goal for your A/B test, and start your test.

For an overview of all of your A/B tests, head over to the Thrive Optimize via the Thrive Dashboard.

More A/B testing = More insight into page details that work = More conversions

Overall, the goal of this lesson is to find page design optimizations that convert more of your website visitors into leads, subscribers, or customers. 

And the best thing about A/B testing? It’s quick to set up and you can let your test run in the background while you focus on building new content for your business website.

Watch this video to discover a simple framework for running A/B tests on your WordPress website, that will consistently boost conversions for your business.

And that's it! You're ready to run your first test!

If you run into any difficulties, please email our support team at [email protected] or submit a help request here

Drop your questions in our Official Thrive Facebook Group to get super helpful tips & tricks from other solopreneurs who’ve created high-converting landing pages.

Good luck & get optimizing!

Also, check out our blog for more info on how to grow your business with Thrive Suite.

Click Next to move on to Lesson 9.


Thrive Optimize

Thrive Optimize is a WordPress plugin that enables A/B tests to be run fast and highly effective, directly on WordPress websites.

Thrive Architect

Thrive Architect is a visual WordPress page builder, created for business websites that focus on conversion optimization.

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