Do you want to club other types of content such as blog posts, selective pages, etc. with the courses you offer? Thrive Apprentice lets you club a content package that can include courses with anything else you want to offer a user. This package is called a Product.
In this article, we’ll see what a Thrive Apprentice Product is and the controls you get with it.
Adding a New Thrive Apprentice Product
To understand what a Thrive Apprentice Product is, let us begin by first creating a product.
To create a product, start by opening your WordPress admin area, navigating to Thrive Dashboard >> Thrive Apprentice, and click on Products in the left panel.
Clicking on Products in the left panel will take you to the Products page where you’ll find the products listed (if you’ve already created some), and you can create new products using the +Add New seen on the top right.
So, to create a product, create the +Add New button.
When you click the +Add new button, you’ll see a popup where you’ll have to add the product name along with a course or any other content you want to be a part of it.
To add a course within the product, click Add Courses. Similarly, you can click Add Other Content if you want to add any other content in the product.
Adding a Course to the Product
To add a course to a product, click Add Courses.
When you choose to add a course, you’ll see a list of courses on your website that you can add to the product you are creating. In this list, click the checkbox beside the course you want to add to the product.
When you select all the courses you want to add to the product, click Add to product.
When all these courses are added to the product, click Done.
Similarly, you can add any other content using the other option.
Adding Other Content to the Product
Thrive Apprentice lets you pair up other content such as blog posts, pages, etc. alongside courses within a product.
To add other content in the product, click Add Other Content.
When you click Add Other Content, you’ll have to select the content type you want to add.
Some types of content that you can add are as mentioned below.
- Posts
- Pages
- WooCommerce Products
- Thrive Apprentice Assessments
After selecting the content type, select the field or taxonomy in the next dropdown.
After selecting the field or taxonomy, select the content you want to add to the product by clicking the checkbox beside it and click Add to product.
After adding the courses and content to the Product, click the Done button.
Clicking Done will create the product and take you to the individual product page where you’ll see the course or content you’ve added to it.
Alongside the existing courses or content added to the product, this page also has options to let you add more courses and content with time.
Managing Existing Products
Once a product is created, you can edit it or delete it if required.
To delete a product, open the Thrive Apprentice products page (the one where all the products are listed), hover on the product you want to delete and click the bin icon you see on the right.
Clicking the bin icon, will show a popup asking you to confirm whether you want to delete the product.
Note: Deleting a product cannot be undone. It will take away all the access users might have to the courses and content within the product.
To confirm delete, click Yes, delete.
Similarly, if you want to edit the product, hover on the product and click the pencil icon.
Clicking the pencil icon will open the individual product page where you can edit various things about the product.
- Managing the product content
- Managing product access expiry
- Setting product access requirements
- Managing a drip field schedule for courses in the product
- Managing access restriction rules for the product
Managing the product content
To manage the content in a product, click the Product content tab in the left column. This will open the content management page where you can add courses or content to the product just like we did that in the section above.
To add a course to the product, click Add Courses. Similarly, to add a content, click Add Other Content. You can refer to the section above that’ll help you add a course and add content to the product.
Managing product access expiry
Do you want to grant product access for a limited period of time? This can be done by managing it through the product access expiry settings on the product page.
To manage product access expiry, on the individual product page, click the Access expiry tab in the left panel.
To enable product access expiry and manage it further, we recommend you to refer to our document here that will help you with step-by-step instructions on how you can set things up.
Setting product access requirements
The Product access requirements lets you set up different requirements that need to be fulfilled in order for the product to be accessible to a user.
To manage the product access requirements, on the individual product page, click the Access requirements tab in the left panel.
When you click access requirements, you’ll be able to decide whether you want to grant product access to
- Those who purchased it through Stripe
- Those with specific WordPress user roles
- Those who purchased it through a custom purchase link
- Those who purchase it as a WooCommerce product
- Those who purchase the product through ThriveCart
Managing a drip field schedule for courses in the product
This option is used when you do not want the users to access the entire product at once. You can set up product level drip schedules to decide when you want parts of the product to be accessible to its users.
To enable drip scheduling in a Thrive Apprentice product, open the individual product page, and click on Drip in the left panel.
Note: Please ensure your courses within the product are published so you can see and manage them within the drip scheduling feature.
To further set up drip schedules for a product, you can refer to the following documents.
- Unlocking Course Contents at Different Time Intervals
- Using Decoupled Drip Schedules
- Selling a Dripped Content Course
- Setting up a Sequential Unlock Drip Template
- Setting up a “Day or the Week or Month” Drip Template
- Setting up an “Evergreen Repeating” Drip Template
- Setting up a “Scheduled Repeating” Drip Template
- Dripping Course Content only on Weekdays
Managing access restriction rules for the product
The access restriction rules in the product allows you to control the content displayed if a user tries to access your product without the necessary permissions or without having purchased it.
The product level access restrictions override the login and access restriction rules you set through Thrive Apprentice settings.
To enable and manage product level access restriction rules in Thrive Apprentice, open the individual product page, click on Access restriction rules in the left column.
To further manage the product access restriction rules, please refer to our document here that will help you with the step-by-step instructions on how you can do it.
We’ve just seen how you can create a new product, edit it and manage different controls like access expiry, access requirements, drip scheduling, and access restriction rules for the product.
Next, do you want to give out a sneak peak or a course for free so that users are eager to learn more and purchase a product on your website? Here’s our document that’ll help you set things up on your website.