More Than 99% of Websites Are Making This One Huge Mistake Trying To Build Their Subscriber List

Discover The Fastest Way to Fix it - Getting More Sales & Treating Your Loyal Fans The Way They Deserve to be Treated

Pretty powerful stuff, right?

It's silly (bordering on annoying) to interrupt a subscriber from reading your newest post by repeatedly asking them to subscribe to your email list. Doing this face-to-face would be awkward, so why do we do it online?

Your other option is to be overly polite and shy with your opt-in requests, which leaves interested leads falling through the cracks because they didn't see your tiny, unobtrusive opt-in form.  

SmartLinks ends this nonsense.

It will get more subscribers onto your mailing list, while also making sure you're not alienating your most loyal visitors and most valuable clients by bombarding them with the same offers they have already signed up for.

As you saw in the video above, SmartLinks gives you control over what kind of content new visitors see, compared to what kind of content existing subscribers see and it alone is a gamechanger for list-building and Email marketing.

However, SmartLinks is just one feature in our already powerful Thrive Leads Plugin. How powerful? Let me show you...

Thrive Leads Is the Most Advanced WordPress List Building Plugin.

And here's why:

Build Every Type of Opt-In Form to Maximize Your Conversions

Using Thrive Leads, you no longer have to rely on just one way to generate leads or use multiple conflicting plugins. It's the all-in-one list-building solution you've been waiting for.

Huge Library of Professionally Designed Templates

Make a few tweaks to a form or completely customize your own design & never touch a single line of code using our intuitive drag-and-drop editor.

A/B Test Your Way to a Success

The way to increase your list growth is to run A/B tests and find out what works best on your site. Thrive Leads is the best, most conversion-boosting testing tool and gives you testing capabilities far beyond any other list building software.

Laser Focused Targeting Options

Control exactly where, when and how an opt-in form shows, allowing you to create ultra-segmented audiences that will convert better on your highly targeted offers. 

Seamlessly Integrate With Your Autoresponder or Email Marketing Service

Thrive Leads has direct API integrations for the most popular email services. In addition, you can use it with any system that creates an HTML signup form, opening Thrive Leads up to hundreds of possible integrations. You can also use different lists and different services for different forms you create, so you're never tied to just one system.



Integration with ActiveCampaign email marketing
View tutorial
Amazon SES

Amazon SES

Affordable email delivery by Amazon
View tutorial


Integration with AWeber email marketing
View tutorial
Campaign Monitor

Campaign Monitor

Integrate with Campaign Monitor for email marketing & email delivery.
View tutorial
Constant Contact

Constant Contact

Integration with Constant Contact email marketing
View tutorial


Integration with ConvertKit email marketing
View tutorial


Integration with Drip email marketing
View tutorial


Set up an API Connection with Dropbox
View tutorial


Integration with Everwebinar, an online tool for webinars
View tutorial


Integration with the "Facebook for Developers" page
View tutorial


Integration with FluentCRM email marketing
View tutorial


Integration with GetResponse email marketing
View tutorial


Set up an API Connection with a Google Account
View tutorial
Google Drive

Google Drive

Set up an API Connection with Google Drive
View tutorial


Add new registrants to GoToWebinar events
View tutorial


Integration with HubSpot email marketing
View tutorial


Integration with iContact email marketing
View tutorial
Keap (Infusionsoft)

Keap (Infusionsoft)

API Integration with Keap(Infusionsoft)
View tutorial


Integration with KlickTipp email marketing
View tutorial


Integration with MadMimi email marketing
View tutorial


Integration with Mailchimp email marketing
View tutorial


Integrate with MailerLite email marketing
View tutorial


Send transactional emails through MailGun
View tutorial


Integration with the MailPoet autoresponder plugin
View tutorial


Integration with the MailRelay autoresponder
View tutorial


Use Mandrill for transactional emails
View tutorial


Integration with Ontraport email marketing
View tutorial


Use Postmark for transactional emails
View tutorial


Prevent spam signups with reCaptcha checks
View tutorial


Integration with SendFox email marketing
View tutorial


Integration with the SendGrid autoresponder
View tutorial


Integration with SendinBlue email marketing & email delivery
View tutorial


Integration with SendLane email marketing
View tutorial


Integration with SendOwl ecommerce platform
View tutorial


Integration with Sendy email marketing
View tutorial
SG Autorépondeur

SG Autorépondeur

Integration with SG Autorépondeur email marketing
View tutorial


Get emails to inboxes securely with SparkPost
View tutorial


Set up an API Connection with a Twitter Account
View tutorial
WebinarJam Studio

WebinarJam Studio

Add new registrants to WebinarJam Studio events
View tutorial
WordPress Users

WordPress Users

Register WordPress user accounts for new leads
View tutorial


Integration with Zapier, an online tool for connecting various apps
View tutorial
Zoho Campaigns

Zoho Campaigns

Integration with Zoho email marketing
View tutorial

Grow Your Audience & No Longer Hear Crickets When You Click Send

It's really discouraging when you pour your heart and soul into a new post, hit publish and excitedly wait for the response...

20 minutes goes by... *refresh*... Nothing. "Just give it some time" you tell yourself and head to bed, excited to see the response in the morning.

8 hours and 20 minutes goes by...*refresh*...Nothing but a comment from your aunt. 

You worked hard, but you continually see zero engagement. No comments, no likes and no views. It's because you're missing a key element: a following.

You need to grow a larger audience so you can be heard.

Using Thrive Leads is like having your very own list-building and conversion expert sitting on your shoulder and showing you EXACTLY what to do so you can finally experience explosive list growth and the amazing business benefits that come with it.

Get results on Accident

Our dog accidentally created an Opt-in form when he walked across the keyboard! Not really. But, Thrive Leads is built to deploy forms in minutes and start growing your list!

Never Touch A Line of Code

You learned the drag-and-drop skills needed for Thrive Leads when you found the "Games" folder and started playing Solitare on the computer at work. Who would have thought your procrastination would turn into a useful lead generation skill?

We Employ Hipster Designers

We put on our skinny jeans and went out and paid hipster designers in fancy coffee so you could have ready to use designs at your fingertips. Think you could do better? Use our visual editor to create your own beautiful forms! 

9,000+ Beautiful Users Love Thrive Leads...

Join up with everyone who has already discovered the benefits of using our advanced WordPress list building plugin. We guarantee luxury-quality software and real life results. And our software delivers, over and over again.

Start taking your online business to the next level

Get Thrive Quiz Builder today as part of the Thrive Convert bundle of WordPress plugins.

Our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee

We are so confident Thrive Leads will be the last lead generation plugin you’ll ever need we’ll give you a 100% guarantee.

People have tried dozens of other solutions and chosen us. If you don’t think we are amazing for any reason, you can get a full refund anytime within the first 30 days of your purchase. Have any issues, just get in touch with our friendly support team and they’ll either help you quickly get the results you need or give you a swift refund.

What Our Customers Are Saying

David Coleman

Your stuff is beautifully designed, fast and has great options for marketers that you just don’t see with other themes. Great, great job! Absolutely love Thrive!

Tim T

You guys are completely amazing. How do you keep coming up with the features I need just when I need them??! Totally amazing customer service to just keep adding all these features for free too. Really great stuff – keep it coming.

Bruce B

Constant improvement begets constant praise. Thank you.

Fiona F

I’m just glad the Thrive Leads exists. It just makes things so much easier to implement. Thanks again Shane.

Rita S

Hi TT-Team, I used the Thrive Leads yesterday for the first time. And it is really great. I worked before with Option Monster and a long time with the sumo-me apps. But Thrive Leads is much more better and easier to handle. thanks a lot!

Discover Even More About Thrive Leads!

On this page, we've just given you a quick glance at the main benefits of Thrive Leads and the SmartLinks feature. If you want to get a more in-depth view of what the Thrive Leads list-building plugin offers, click the button below:
