We've released dozens of new templates for the Post List Element in Thrive Architect.
And we're confident this makes the post list element the easiest to use, most flexible and most customizable post grid builder out there.
Check out the video to see us back up those claims!
Instant Access to Dozens of Post Grid Templates
Our designers created a ton of post grid templates for you to choose from. These templates will allow you to show off your blog posts in the most appropriate way.
Whether it's in a super visual way with huge featured images...

Template: Text & Image 13
or in a compact, title only type of fashion...

Template: Text Only 03
Or anything in between....

Template Image & Text 08
I'm sure you'll find a template that matches your style!
Next-Level Post Grid Customization
These templates are just the beginning...
Create Post Lists, Girds and Masonry Layouts
Video timestamp: 1.11 min
Once you've loaded a template, you can still choose how many columns should be displayed, whether you want a masonry layout or a list, ...
And of course, you'll immediately see the results on your site without having to reload the page!
Change Colors and Layout Easily with Group Editing
Video timestamp: 2.06 min

62 seconds (yes I timed) of customizing template Image & Text 08...
The group editing technology from Thrive Architect allows you to change something in one place and it will apply to all the other instances immediately.
This makes it super easy to tweak the design exactly the way you want it.
Use the Advanced Filter Options to Show the Exact Posts You Want
Video timestamp: 3.56 min

Use the display rules to show the exact content you want to show!
We've made it as intuitive as possible for you to filter your posts, custom post types and pages.
Choose whether you want to show or exclude:
- Categories
- Tags
- Authors
- Even specific individual content
Add or Remove Dynamic Elements Such as Author, Publish Date, Comments, etc.
Video timestamp: 2.50 min
When you're editing the post list (make sure to select the post list element in the breadcrumbs and to hit the edit button), you'll see new elements appear in the Thrive Architect Elements options.
These elements are called "Article Components". They allow you to 100% customize what information you want to show in the post grid.
Don't want an author image, no problem, just delete it.
Want to show post tags? Just drag the element in the post list and it will show up.

We Want to Hear From You!
What kind of templates would you like to see in the future? Leave us a comment below!
Hi Hanne, we’d love to use this for our homepage, because right now we manually update it everyday and it’s a big time waster. Howerver, we use the “modified date” mixed with “published date”. Can you check out our homepage and tell me how we could use this new feature to automate the showing of posts ? https://selectos.eu/ Or maybe we’ll have to wait for the full theme builder ?
If I understand correctly, you want the “date” of a piece of content to be read as the date that’s most recent out of published date and modified date. Is my understanding right?
The first feature required, in our case, would be to be able to sort posts by modified date. Right now, if I understand well, we can only sort them by published date.
The second feature, that you mention, would be being able to sort posts by most recent date out of both published and modified posts dates.
The third feature that I think we need to do the exact same as we do right now, but automated, would be to differenciate between a major update of an article, and a simple tweek like changing a product price, fixing a typo, etc. Right now with the wordpress editing tool, any change, even a very small one, modifies the modified date. Maybe we could fix this using a tag for major updates ? And sorting posts with this tag as a parameter ?
In any case, thanks for answering and trying to help us 🙂
Thanks Robin, I appreciate you taking the time to clarify your requirements.
The first and second requirement are easily added and I’ve made a note of them.
The third requirement is slightly more tricky and fairly subjective.. ie.: what constitutes a major update? That’s a bit of a grey area and difficult for us to develop. Your idea of tagging would work, though.
Great new feature. But it has some shortcomings. It does not use the thumbnails for images, instead, it uses full-size feature images. Plus, it overlays template thumbnails instead of replacing them. The web page size becomes enormous.
Amazing photos Viktor!
Agree that in your use case with such large featured images then the size could become a problem. I’ve noted this down as something that we can try to solve.
Not sure what you mean by overlaying template thumbnails?
the template thumbnails are not removed when I replace them with actual featured images, they stay under featured images.
You have done it again! 🙂
~I smeeeeeeell Thrive theme builder in the aaaaaaiiiiirrr~
Just in time since I was wondering how to create a landing page for my Instagram bio that nicely displays links to my YT video, channel and latest blog instead of using a link service…got any tips to make it awesome?
This is an awesome addition to Thrive Architect. For the past few years I’ve used Essential Grid Plugin, but I’ve never been totally happy with it because I don’t feel it’s very user-friendly plus I believe their code is a bit bloated. Your upgraded Post Grid Guilder will be a great alternative. Thank you!
Great to hear, thanks Mark!
Again really unbelievable how much value you’re adding. Thanks to Thrive Themes, within our company, we don’t have any special web designers anymore. Our writers/content developers are publishing any material themselves. Not only static content but also interactive content like quizzes and learning programs.
I just finished building a new website from the ground by myself, which I didn’t do for a while, and I’m impressed how much handier the editor works. A ton of new features.
This feature with the post grid builder is also amazing. So are the new templates for the Post List Element. Thank you Shane, Matt, Hanneke and the whole Thrive Themes team!
Thanks Naftalie, comments like these are great to hear. I’ve shared it with the team – thank you!
I’d love the ability to create a ‘directory’ using Thrive Architect which allows users to display listings based on certain filter options.
So… when does the Thrive Theme Builder come out? Does this new feature mean we are one step closer?
On track for Q4. Yes, a lot of these features are being built for both TAr and TTB.
Hi Paul, I like that you’re also replying to the comments, not just Shane or Hanne. 🙂
This is looking better and better, well done guys!
A good idea for a template, I think, would be one where the first post is displayed in a more prominent format, followed by a list of smaller items. I’ve tried to piece one together on the home page here (site is still a work in progress): http://www.strongminder.com – but it’s not quite right, I’m sure it would look better if I at least started with a template.
I think it would be useful for a variety of situations, not least the actual blog page. Speaking of which, doest the post list element have pagination yet? I know there were plans to add it, and it seems a pretty important feature to use this on a blog page, but I couldn’t find it.
Another kind of template I would like to see is the post WIDGET.
Thrive Architect allows you to build an actual blog page from scratch and customize every element, including the sidebar, which is what I’ve done here, using the post list element: http://www.strongminder.com/blog/
I don’t have a post widget yet as I have only just started the website and I don’t have many posts yet. But I will want to add one before long, and it would be nice to have some templates as a starting point.
As usual, these new features make me very hopeful for the new theme builder, but that has apparently be bumped off again? :-/
Thanks for the video, Shane!
Can I customize the grid with static elements and dynamic posts?
I want to mix it with native ads or affiliate links.
Example: First item is blog content, second item is an add, third item is blog content and so on.
On the second item I want to add my own static text + image with an affiliate link (native ad).
I hope you get the idea.
Let me know.
At the moment this isn’t possible, but I like the idea and have noted down the feature request, Oliver.
That would be sooo cool, Paul!
Cheers 🙂
Great stuff.
How about pagination?
“Load more” functionality will be released later on today and full pagination options in 3 weeks
I’d like Thrive to have a way to make an image gallery instead of having to use WordPress content.
On the list Lianda, thanks for the feedback
Hello, do you have a template, which I can use for showing my Podcast and its individual editions?
This looks great! Will the list honor posts marked as “sticky” whether it is part of a category or just all posts?
This is awesome Hanne. This should reduce my bounce rate. It is around 85% now. Any other tips to reduce it?
Bounce rate is a tricky subject. It all depends on your content… The goal is to “lure” people in. So good content, good copy, links to other content, a clear value proposition,… Hard to tell you where to start without context 🙂
Thx for the Upgrade.
I’m testet it for my clients.
I love the way you folks consistently over deliver 🙂
Becoming a member is one of the best things I have ever done for my business.
That’s wonderful to hear! Thank you. 🙂
Shane this is useless as when they click to read the post from this great looking page it still goes to the default crap looking page that we still cannot edit to look like our theme! Rather you spent time on that first. Chicken before the egg here.
Hi William,
As you might imagine, this is a feature we need for Theme Builder so it’s not as if we’re spending time building this instead of Theme Builder… But rather allowing users to already take advantage of this new tech on their landing pages, blog posts and pages through Architect.
I Love Thrive Themes and I know you guys are always working to improve your products and make it easier for us. Just wish Thrive Theme builder was already here as I really want this feature as I’m sure many do.
Very nice…keep up the good work! 🙂
Thank you, Addison!
This is excellent, thank you. Is Thrive slowly releasing all the good stuff from the “upcoming” Theme Builder into Thrive Architect rather than creating a whole new system? I don’t mind if you are…keep it coming!
This is awesome stuff. Adding pagination so we can feature all posts in the post list element would be game-changing.
“Load more” functionality is being released for the post list element later on today. Full on pagination will be ready in 3 weeks.
WOW! WOW! WOW!! I am constantly amazed at the incredible tools you continue to create!
I’ll admit, the blog features before this seemed a little inferior to some of the blog options out there already, but THIS?! THIS has blown everyone else away.
Three cheers! Well done! I’m excited to get started!
Now… I hope I can pull this all together as easily as it seems. lol. I’m pretty ok with most of what Thrive Themes offers, but I’m 100% sure I’m not tapping into the all power that’s available through these incredible plug-ins. Thanks again!
Thank you, Jennifer! You’re right that the feature before this update was getting a bit long in the tooth. We wanted to spend some more time on it and really make it an amazing feature, instead of incrementally updating what we had. I hope you agree it was worth the wait. 🙂
Awesome Hanna, really love this. But I am still struggling to have or find the same design flexibility with the page that displays the actual posts.
Just getting the same header and footer layout as the landing pages seems to be difficult to accomplish. Do you have a video on that as well? I have been looking around
Hi Piet,
What you’re looking for will be available in Theme Builder.
This Upgrade is really cool and the templates are very well designed. However, I have a big issue with TA: And that is when you click on a post it leads you to the post itself and that page you cannot design with TA. WordPress takes the layout from your active Theme which is WP’s Twenty Nineteen. I really need to be able to change the post page layout too, but I heard rumours that this is in the making 🙂
Also, a more easy way to create templates would be good, so for items which shall appear consistently on every page.
Thanks for this great piece of software. Best page builder I tried out so far.
Kind regards,
Sacha Heck
Theme Builder will be the answer to your prayers, Sacha. We’re feverishly working on it – should be released shortly.
Loved this update. A game changer for blog posts.
I hope this will be available in the standard editor
Thank you, Himanshu!
Love the new feature and layouts. I have one request, which is to be able to remove the title link. I want to use the post grid as a ‘gallery’ on a page listing client images, and don’t want any links to the actual post themselves. You provide the option to ‘Add link to Content Box’ which, if I turn off, provides no link for the image. I would like an option to turn off the post title link.
Thanks for the request, Michael
Awesome new feature… I absolutely LOVE Thrive Architect!
Thank you, Miguel!
Love it! You continue to confirm that I made the right choice in selecting Thrive Architect as my page builder of choice. Your continual addition of spot-on new features with very informative tutorials are fantastic! Keep it up please.
Thank you, Allen!
Love the new feature (like most of the updates). What about a minimalistic template without pictures?
Hi Simon,
We have several minimal templates that don’t load a featured image. Plus, you can edit any of the templates and remove the featured image as well. 🙂
The only thing I still miss on blog posts is pagination…
A “Load more” button for this element is actually going to be released later on today. Full on pagination is 3 weeks away.
Wauw, that’s great. Thanks!
Can you tell me where to find the Load More button to add? This is the only thing lacking on my new home page! Love this post list feature!
Great continued brilliance! One nit-pick (I think): Post Grid allows a filter query that spans multiple post types (e.g Pages *and* Posts etc). Post List allows only one post type per instance, correct?
Only one post type, yes. We decided to implement it this way for performance reasons.
Each update and new feature stands on it’s own, and yet at the same time must be getting us closer to seeing the launch of the Theme Builder. I think you could run the world with a website using Thrive tools!
As you suspect, many features we’ve been releasing lately are related to Thrive Theme Builder development. This one is no exception.
Thank you for the new feature Shane, appreciate it.
Do you have any news about the theme builder?
We will have more specific news about Thrive Theme Builder soon. This post list feature is, of course, a crucial component in the theme builder as well. Many of our recent feature additions in Thrive Architect are news about Thrive Theme Builder, in a sense, because they’re features being built for it.
As this feature will be also available in Thrive Theme Builder, be sure to tell us when to use it via Theme Builder and/or Architect.
Very impressive feature.
Is it possible to use a ‘Carousel’ function on a blog page? – ‘Ticker tape’ style and displayed with posts being sorted/batched by category, tags etc.? Perhaps choosing the number of ‘top posts’ in each category to be displayed in the ‘Carousel’.
Also looking forward to seeing what you guys are doing with the upcoming Theme Builder – 4th Q is just weeks away. Are you on track to release it then?
Love it! Will we be able to use this on Category Archive pages? Or is that something we’ll have to wait for with TTB?
That will be governed by TTB. It’s not far off, now.
Awesome work Shane and Team!!
Thank you, Mark!
Love the upgrade guys. Can’t wait to put this to good use!
One question though… is it possible to include custom fields in the post listings? For example, I have several clients with events as a custom post type and the event date is a different field from the published date. Is it possible to include the event date in the post listings?
Not yet John, but that’s a great point I’ve noted down as a future improvement
Brilliant! Thanks, TT.
You’re welcome!
I have a concern, what if I want to display all my blog post, for example my post blog is 300 items and I want to display all of them in the page but I want a pagination at the bottom like the wordpress blog standard. How can achieve that? I hope you would respond. Thanks!
Hi Jarwen, a load more button is being added as we speak (released today) and pagination in the next release (in 3 weeks) 🙂
That’s great (as always!) and it’s a seemingly small thing, but I know I’m going to appreciate the extra flexibility of the updated rule sets.
Question/feature request: it would be amazing if the same flexibility for the rules could be applied to Thrive Ovation and also include some and/or logic to it.
For example, when people leave testimonials for my training courses I edit and add a summarised version of it, in addition to the original.
However, I also offer either online or face to face versions of the same course.
I would, therefore, like to be able to display testimonials based on logic such as: “has tag: summary AND has tag: online”.
Would this be possible?
Thanks for the request, Tim – made a note of it. I can’t give you an ETA on this, but we will be entering a round of Ovation improvements shortly so I’ll try and get it pushed through.
That’s great, thanks!
This is a fabulous and very useful update! Thank you so much for sharing examples on how to use them.
Another fantastic feature, beautifully easy to use. I am ever more impressed, keep up the brilliant work, Team Thrive 🙂
Wow, that’s great.
And just in the right moment for me.
Thank you!!!!
I’m using the ‘Image & Text 18’ template, which is very nice. I want to pull through a grid of (4) pages in my use case. Now, whilst the ‘images’ in this template are dynamic (pulling through the page ‘featured image’ nicely), is there a way to make the image clickable in a ‘dynamic’ way so that when you click the featured image for a given page, it takes you to that page… or do I have to unclick the padlock and alter each of the 4 image’s links individually? Thanks.
Ryan it depends if the template is built such that the featured image is actually an image element, or set as a background of a content box.
If it’s an image element, you can do this:-
If it’s the background of a content box, you can do this:-
Hi team, just wondering how this can be applied to creating “pillar pages”. At the moment I redirect category pages to a landing page. Will the new thrive theme builder provide a better solution for this. How will this work for SEO considering that most SEO plugins suggest no-indexing the category page? Will I be able to add unique content on the theme builder category pages?
It’s great what you have built.
Your post grid builder works with the blogs I have saved in WordPress.
Is there a possibility to use it also for the saved portfolios in WordPress.
It sould be the same procedure to use it.
I Llove this new feature – about to rebuild my site entirely using Architect and this is the very thing for some of the functions I can see benefit from. Thanks, folks!
Would it be possible to add a last modified option?
WOW! That is crazy good! Thanks for working to continuously make your product better. I could never do this on my own.
Great update guys! I was actually about to email you when this would be released. So, perfect timing!
I do have a question. Would it be possible to use this feature to set up a portfolio / ‘our work’ section?
Many thanks and I look much forward to the next update 🙂
Sure! You could make a grid with only featured images or featured images and title and use a tag “our work” on the blog posts you wanna show or select certain pages etc.
Once again, you guys have knocked it out of the ball park! Looking forward to using these templates on my site.
Quick question: In one of the previous videos from June or July 2019, Shane had mentioned that a Search bar feature was in progress. Do you guys have anymore information about it? I’m freshening up my site, and the Rise theme I’m using doesn’t come with a Search feature on the homepage and I would love to add one easily without having to be tech savvy. Thanks! Any help you can offer in this regard is greatly appreciated.
Yet another great update and feature Team Thrive! Is there a way to add a list to the sidebar widget?
I love this new feature! I’m so excited to change up some areas on my site. Just WOW! Wonderful work, thank you!
This looks great. A quick question, will it be possible to add a grid of post form a “different blog”.
I have 2 site ( siteA and siteB) I would like to list siteB-posts on siteA, can this new feature make that happen?
Hi Stephane,
No sorry, it can not. It shows the content from the website it’s on.
Hi Hanne,
As a newbie in blogging and uses WordPress, I find the Post builder from thrive theme a very useful and customizable tool.
Of course, the templates that it provides cater to all needs and preferences. Also, the amount of customizations of the gird that can be performed using, this is amazing.
Your products really are designed keeping conversions as the aim.
Jeangam Kahmei
Pretty cool!
Awesome post. I love all of the features you guys roll out.
Speaking of awesome features…Any chance support could reach out to me. I’ve been locked out of my account after I deleted lastpass and I could us some help with password recovery..I have a ticket out but so far no haps on the reply.
Hi Shane, do you have a template for a skin care product maybe?
Landing or Sells Page? To show a the beautiful aspect beauticremes/wellness/anti-Aging… ?
Take Care
I found this guide today I am really glad to know that. Will try this feature in my sites. Thank you!
Thanks for your comment, Prayas! Enjoy the feature. 🙂
Just thought i’d provide my opinion on SEO Sprint so far.
If you are sat on the fence about the SEO Sprint course….get off it.
The course content itself is extremely detailed and extensive and each Lesson/Module also has an extremely interactive comments section that both Viola and Shane are very active in. Not sure how much sleep they are getting!
The valuable information gained from just reading the comments section alone is worth every penny I spent for this course.
Maybe worthwhile if Shane showed a few screenshots of the comments, questions and quality of the replies that Viola provides.
Thank you for your endorsement, Jonah!
Great new future. Thank you. I want to ask if it will be (or already is, and I don`t know yet) also pagination for posts. My posts are quite long, and I will be more than happy if I could paginate them.
I love the way you folks consistently over-deliver 🙂
Becoming a member is one of the best things I have ever done for my business.
Thanks Sakhawat
Is it possible to add a secondary menu on a blog page to filter posts by category? I don’t see any mention of using a custom menu with this tool.
Hi James,
No, that’s currently not an option.
You have done it again
Hi Hanne, thank you for this feature. I build a post list with different posts named rename1 surname1, prename2 surname2, prename3 surname3 etc. I want to sort them by surname. This is not possible cause alphabetic sorting works with the first letter of the first word. So I tried to get in a comment to each blog like surname1, surname2, surname3. But even this work around does not work. I cannot recognize any system in the position of the listed blogs.
It would be great, I you could help me.
I think if you add post by post instead of based on tags posts will show in the order you decide