Written By: author avatar Chris Winfield-Blum
author avatar Chris Winfield-Blum

|  Updated on October 17, 2023

[New] Stripe Integration for Apprentice + Architect Updates to Streamline Your Content Processes

This update has been in the works for some time now and we have been really struggling to contain our excitement. But, it’s finally time to share the exciting news!

You can now take course payments in Apprentice without using a paid intermediator payment processor. This is going to add a ton of value to Apprentice for many people - but that’s not all this update has.

We’ve also got some significant time saving improvements in Architect, so read on and find out what’s new in Thrive Themes.

1. Direct Stripe + Apprentice Integration Means No Need for 3rd Party Payment Plugins

Thrive Apprentice holds a special place in our hearts because it’s one of the best ways for solopreneurs and creators to monetize their websites. It puts you in complete control of how you share your knowledge and content and turn it into a great living.

But, we have to admit, there was one slight caveat.

In the past, you had to rely on 3rd party payment plugins or services which added additional complexity to the process and extra costs coming out of your hard-earned profits.

No more!

We’re incredibly excited to announce that Thrive Apprentice now integrates directly with Stripe.

Stripe - Apprentice integration

What does this mean for you?

Now you can leverage all the incredible powers of Apprentice with absolutely no need for a paid 3rd party payment solution to manage one-time or subscription based products and memberships.

This is a game changer because our Stripe integration fits seamlessly with your:

  • Course drips
  • Workflows
  • Hidden courses
  • Advanced access requirements
  • Access restrictions
  • Email triggers
  • Translations
  • And everything else you love about Apprentice…

Complete Control Over How You Monetize Your Site

Our goal is to give you complete control over how you monetize your website, no matter your technical or design skills. You shouldn’t need to rely on third parties to take care of things for you, and thanks to our Stripe integration for Thrive Apprentice, we move a step closer to that goal.

You can now build advanced, user-friendly courses, take payments, and restrict access without having to rely on anyone but yourself. 

  • Onetime payments
  • Recurring payments
  • Limited time access
  • Hidden courses

You’re in control!

Imagine this scenario.

You’ve got a great website that sells a course on YouTube Script Writing.

Now, let’s show you how to set this up with Stripe. However, we’re also going to take advantage of the Assessments feature to offer a paid bonus course to students who pass your final exam with flying colors.

With Thrive Apprentice and Stripe, this couldn’t be easier to set up.

1. Create your course content using tried and tested templates + our powerful drag-and-drop builder.

Apprentice templates

2. Create an Apprentice product containing your chosen course

Create an Apprentice product

3. Set access requirement for your product (here’s where Stripe comes in)

Set product access requirements with Stripe

First you’ll have to connect Stripe to Thrive Apprentice. Don’t worry, we’ve made a wizard that will walk you through every step. Once your Stripe account is connected, then you’ll be able to create a corresponding product and fill in the product details and pricing.

Then, simply choose your Stripe product in Apprentice, and enter a success/ failure page to redirect users to after their purchase.

Pro tip

You can even add query string keys and values in your success and failure links and use this in combination with Conditional Displays to show different messages. This is especially useful for the failure/cancel link as you have another opportunity to sell your product.

4. Set your product restriction rules

With Apprentice, you’re in control of how your prospective customers access your course materials and importantly how they will purchase each of your courses, and you do this through product restriction rules. Use this page to tailor your messages and call to action for students who don’t yet have access to this course. 

Action button display with Stripe

That’s it - your new course is ready for purchase, but let’s make this flow a little more complicated by adding a bonus course for the most talented students…

5. Create an assessment as part of your YouTube Script Writing 101 course conditions.

Remember, you can assess students in all kinds of different ways, from quizzes to written assignments, and even video submissions. 

Create an assessment

6. Build your additional course content (we’ve gone with Finding a Job as a YouTube Script Writer for this example) and set it as a hidden course. This way, you can set access restrictions for your additional content so that only people who pass the final assessment on your original course can see it.

Purchase restrictions for bonus content


7. Now, to grant access to the course, we will use Thrive Automator. We will add a new automation with the “Apprentice > Assessment has been marked and passed” trigger along with the “Apprentice > Grant access to product” action and select our assessment and product respectively.

Oh, and of course, we want to let our successful students know a new course has just opened up for them, so we’ve given everyone who passed the assessment a tag that will automatically trigger an email sequence in our email service provider (we’ve used Drip, but Automator connects to a ton of different services)

Automation for bonus course

Now everytime that a member passes the assessment, they will automatically be granted access to the bonus course. Pretty cool right!?

You’ve now created a sophisticated upsell drip - with absolutely no need for a paid 3rd party payment plugin, or anything else. And that’s really just the tip of the iceberg - if you can imagine it, then you can build it. 

Power feature

You can use Automator to open up access to additional Apprentice products in a number of scenarios but one that I particularly value is opening up extra learning resources when a member fails an assessment. It could be extra learning materials or even a “beginners course” to help them pass the assessment.

The Same Great Experience for Your Students, Greater Control for Course Owners

Absolutely nothing changes for your customers.

The outstanding checkout experience you’ve created, the workflows, and the upsells: you can recreate them all with Stripe, just with one added bonus: you cut out the middleman. 

User view for Thrive Apprentice

Even better, you’re putting your payments in the hands of one of the most trusted brands in the world: Stripe. This gives your customers a feeling of confidence at checkout and will ensure potential customers don’t drop out because of reservations about the checkout process.

2. Custom Payment Links for Apprentice Products Open Up New Selling Approaches 

Despite building out our long awaited and amazing Stripe integration we also recognise that there are countries or scenarios that will just not work with Stripe.

To make your life easier we have introduced Custom Payment Links to the Access Requirement of our Apprentice products.

There’s nothing particularly “smart” about this option but it does save you from needing to build custom checkout pages for other third party payment services and configure them for every product (unless you want to do that of course).

To use the feature, open a product in Thrive Apprentice and click on “Access Requirements” and then “Custom Payment Link”. You can then insert your custom payment link from third parties like PayPal or any other service that supports them.

Custom payment links in Apprentice

Now, all you need to do is connect your Custom Payment Links to the “buy now” button on your course pages by configuring your “access restriction rules”. This means that a customer can be redirected to make a purchase directly from a course overview or course list without first being redirected to a custom checkout page.

As we know, “less clicks means more sales,” and this will streamline your checkout process.

To close the loop and ensure that paying customers are granted access to your products you will need to configure Thrive Automator to receive webhooks or “immediate payment notifications” (IPN’s) and grant or revoke access accordingly.

Our documentation team has put together a great step-by-step guide for integrating Thrive Apprentice with PayPal and we have updated it to use this new feature, you can check it out here.

3. WordPress Settings Come into the Thrive Architect Visual Builder

We’ve offered up some great news for Thrive Apprentice customers, so what about Thrive Architect?

Well, this release is all about convenience for you.

It’s great building and designing your pages with a visual builder, but it’s a bit annoying when you have to flick back to the WordPress editor to edit minor details like the meta description or update custom fields.

So, we brought the WordPress settings into the visual builder. 

WordPress settings in Architect

When you’re creating your pages and posts, just click the WordPress icon in the right-hand sidebar and a new Lightbox will open. You’ll be able to edit a whole host of WordPress settings so you can take care of the little things that make a big difference to your website performance. 

  • Change your template
  • Adjust status and visibility
  • Add categories and tags
  • Add a feature image
  • Access your SEO plugin data
  • Edit your meta description
  • Edit your custom field data
  • Change the slug
  • Assign different authors

We’re not adding any new functionality with this feature, but the improved user experience is certainly going to save you time and hassle. 

Your Site, Your Way: It’s What We’re Working Towards

If you can think it, we want you to be able to achieve it.

Whether that’s creating a unique design, trying out a new marketing strategy, or experimenting with sales funnels, we want you to do it on your site with ease.

It’s a long-term mission, and it’s one we’re always going to be working towards, but hopefully, our continued updates bring you a step closer to being able to run your site your way.

We think the Stripe integration for Thrive Apprentice is a big step in the right direction and we’re looking forward to hearing how you all use it to take your businesses to the next level.

Make sure you’ve updated Thrive Apprentice and Thrive Architect to the latest versions and get these new features implemented on your site.

If you’re not a Thrive Themes customer yet, then there’s no better time to join our community of budding entrepreneurs using the best tools to grow their businesses.

I would love to hear what you think of the latest updates and how you plan to make use of the new features. Drop a comment below!

Chris Winfield-Blum
Operations Manager

Written on October 4, 2023

About the author
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Chris Winfield-Blum

Disclosure: Our content is reader-supported. This means if you click on some of our links, then we may earn a commission. We only recommend products that we believe will add value to our readers.

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    • The release just started being pushed out so if you are apparently on the latest version and you can’t see the Stripe panel in your Apprentice product’s access requirements area the update should be available soon.

  • Wow! Amazing, as usual. This could be a real game-changer.

    My only immediate question is how (or if) the new Thrive Apprentice – Stripe integration can handle international payments with different currencies, and coupons, similar to what I currently have in WooCommerce.
    What do you think?

    • Thanks Tim!

      Coupons via Stripe is not currently integrated but will be considered for a future release.

      In terms of currencies; a product is linked to a specific price (amount and currency) in Stripe so right now the only choice would be to have products per currency.

      Ill add feature requests for both of these on your behalf!

      • Thanks for that, I’ll have to wait in this, but thanks for putting in the feature requests.

        Part of the reason for saying this is that I need to have the ability to switch between currencies for the same product automatically if possible, based on the purchasers location.

        But I also need to be able to apply coupons via an appended code on a link to either a single product or to any product in their basket, while also allowing for their own currency.

        I hope that makes sense!

      • Hey Tim,

        So I must correct myself 😀 Via your Stripe product (in the Stripe Dashboard) you set a default currency and then you’re correct Stripe will try to apply the best option for your customer for you!


  • hi there, so does this mean that if I have been using Woocommerce I don´t have to do that anymore but can take payments for my membershipsite and courses directly using Stripe and Apprentice?

    • You can choose to make the switch to Stripe anytime you like yes. The solution even supports Stripe test mode so you can test the full flow before making the leap and switching everything live.

  • Congratulations!

    One of the features missing from Stripe itself is the ability for a customer to split a purchase among multiple credit cards. This is common charging scenario offline at restaurants and for higher ticket online sales, like jewelry.

    Is this possible using Thrive perhaps using the Custom Payment option?


      • Yes. Stripe.

        I’ve set it up using Stripe’s “Customer pays what they want” feature. I’ve checked it out with Stripe support. However, this is for a higher ticket purchase and we manage these manually. The student enters the amount they want to pay for each credit card. We can see when the final split payment or final partial has equaled the full tuition and our plan is to then manually register the student and grant access.

        I can’t see how we could grant access automatically when the final charge equals the full tuition.

        Can you see a way to do this automatically? Maybe when all charges for a given email address equals the total tuition, triggers a webhook?

      • I would assume theirs a relevant webhook event that can be watched for when the full payment is received.

        What I don’t know is how the checkout itself works in this case.

        I will make a note of this to do some research and potentially add it to our roadmap for a future release.

  • 1) SUPER pumped about the Stripe integration, BUT….

    2) How can we implement Bumps, Upsells, and Downsells without them entering their credit card 3 times?

  • It would be nice to have native options for connecting other gateways, bypassing WooCommerce, if they have an API, e.g. the European one poland.payu.com. 🙂

    • Completely understand that Stripe isn’t for everybody. We do track feature requests for additional integrations so I will +1 Payu on your behalf.

      On a quick look though PayU supports payment links which you could use with the Custom Payment Link feature ( https://payu.in/web-payment-links/ ) and they also support webhooks that can be used with Thrive Automator to grant/revoke access 🙂

      I hope that’s helpful!

  • Absolutely thrilled that Stripe now integrates directly with Apprentice! Streamlined processes make everything so much smoother. Perfect combo!

  • Great feature!
    1. Can Stripe also handle affiliate payouts for each purchase? I could not find it on the Stripe web page.

    2. Does the current Stripe integration support recurring payments (memberships), payment plans and refunds?

  • This is great news. I was just about to buy ThriveCart and SendOwl. Money is very tight.

    Can this system be used for one off purchases of eBooks, digital downloads, like plans, cheat sheets, pdfs, journals, etc?

    • Yes, Stripe products can be either one-time payments or subscriptions so I believe you’re covered.

      If you haven’t already take a look at Protected Files; that will allow you to use Apprentice products to protect electronic files, pages or posts.

  • I just started the Stripe Connect Setup and reading the terms of usage I came across additional fees that a Stripe Connect Platform provider may charge. Does this apply for Thrive Apprentice?

    • No we are not adding any additional fees to current users.

      Many services will use that as part of a free product tier. For example get Product Free and pay us %3 of your processed payments OR Product Pro and don’t.

      This is not something we’re currently considering though 🙂

      Hopefully that gives you confidence to finish your setup 😀

  • Interesting. My first course will be ready on either side of the new year. I began with the tech stack and included apprentice + Thrive Cart + Stripe. Are their advantages or recommendations to me changing that now or in the future? I am a power user but not a developer and appreciate your products, support, and expertise. Thanks.

  • Very cool. Two things:

    It will be good to have Mollie payments ad a choice. Especially for sites which want to keep customer data in the EU.

    And support for measuring eCommerce conversion event data in GA4 (item value, total revenue etc)

  • I have been waiting for these updates for a long time, I can’t wait to update the plugins and start using these new feature. THANKS!

  • This is wonderful news! I am wondering if the Course Creation course will be updated in alignment with this improvement as well.

  • Sounds fantastic. Does that mean a Thrive Cart subscription can be replaced with my existing Stripe account?

  • Your steady progress with adding helpful features continues to impress. I’m not into coding but can see you getting closer to offering a product independent of WordPress at some point.

  • Hi, Great news
    Just a question, How can I connect a paiement button of a sales page to this system ?
    Previously I used Automator and Stripe Webhooks.
    But now, if I create a link paiement in stripe for a product, how Thrive apprentice knows that product just has just been bought by the customer ?

  • I set the Stripe integration up and run it in a test mode and after the successful purchase on the Stripe checkout page nothing happens. No redirect to the ‘Success’ page. No email sent to the new ‘customer’ with login details or a way for them to access the course.

    If there is more to set up in way of automatic redirection to the course page from the Stripe checkout page, and to set up automatic confirmation emails to the customer then please make this clear.

    Also without a plugin like WooCommerce or SureCart, will there be any type of customer ‘dashboard’ for a customer to see what they have purchased, and change things like their name, email and password if necessary?

    • Check that you have the open to email the customer set in your Apprentice > Settings > Email Templates (this will be switch on by default in the next release)

      You can set your course page as the success URL and that should work fine once they have logged in.

      You can already build a sudo-members area using the User Profile element 🙂

  • Hi and thanks for all the great updates you keep adding. Thrive Themes just keeps getting better and better. I have been using Stripe with WooCommerce for my paid online courses for many years and have not really seen that as a hassle at all, it works really smoothly, I was very happy when I could drop the extra expense of SendOwl and sell via WooCommerce. I always sell my online courses via sales pages, never directly in the course. This new direct feature seems like it’s more interesting if I would want to sell an online course without having a sales page. Or am I missing something here? Would I migrate the course ad a product in Stripe instead of WooCommerce, and link to that from the sales page, or how would that work?
    And how would order confirmations and communication with the customers work when selling the course in the Stripe integration? I didn’t catch how that would be done from Andy’s video.
    What would be really useful would be if I could use a direct Stripe product integration on other, physical products, will that be next, perhaps?

    • It is a way to sell more directly yes. As with any payment, the customer will receive an email telling them that their account has been setup etc.

      You can also make a button connect to Stripe on a sales page using the Apprentice product “dynamic value” option if you choose.

  • Just to be sure I didn’t miss anything: we could already use Stripe products in T.Apprentice, using Thrive Automator. You had to spend some time to set it up but it works. Now it’s easier… but there are no difference in the end, especially from the customer’s point of view.

    Is this correct? Thanks anyway, it will be easier now with new products.

  • {"email":"Email address invalid","url":"Website address invalid","required":"Required field missing"}