In May '22 we announced that Thrive Automator was out of Beta and 100% FREE for anyone to use. The smart team at Studiocart saw the huge opportunity this created for their customers and started right away with creating an integration between their tool and Thrive Automator.
Now, we're happy to announce the integration is ready! Let's have a look what this integration will allow you to do.
What's Studiocart?
Studiocart is a shopping cart WordPress plugin that helps coaches, course creators and service-based businesses start selling in minutes.
It allows you to easily create beautiful, optimized checkout pages and automated sales flows from your own WordPress site.
What Triggers and Actions Are Available With This App?

The Studiocart trigger category option inside Thrive Automator.
Because Studiocart is a shopping cart plugin, the available options are all triggers. This means you can start creating an automation based on when something happens in Studiocart.
Currently, the available triggers are:
- Order Created: Triggers when an order is created
- Order Refunded: Triggers when an order is canceled
- Lead Captured: This trigger will be fired when a lead is captured (2-step forms only).
- Subscription Active: This trigger will be fired when a subscription is activated.
- Subscription Canceled: This trigger will be fired when a subscription is canceled.
- Subscription Renewed: This trigger will be fired when a subscription is renewed.
- Subscription Renewal Failed: This trigger will be fired when a subscription renewal fails.
Examples of Possible Automations
The number of automations possible with this new integration are countless, but to get your wheels spinning, let's look at some examples:
When someone buys a product through Studiocart, add them to your email marketing service such as Aweber, Infusionsoft (Keap) or Mailerlite.

This way, you can easily add new customers to any of the 25+ email integrations available in Thrive Automator.
When someone places an order through Studiocart, grant them access to a Thrive Apprentice product.

This gives you another option to start selling online courses or access to a membership site combining Studiocart and Thrive Apprentice.
When someone becomes a lead through Studiocart, give them a "lead" tag and start a Thrive Ultimatum countdown campaign.

Studiocart has a 2-step checkout option. This allows you to collect lead data even if the lead does not become a customer. You can now combine that with the power of Thrive Ultimatum to start a specific countdown timer campaign to convince new leads to become customers.
The "Lead Captured" trigger will always fire (independently from the status of the order) so you'd need to combine this with a trigger to add a "customer" tag to the lead in your email marketing service and send the email about the discount if the "lead" tag is present but the "customer" tag is missing.
But like I said, this is just scratching the surface...
To learn more about all the available triggers and actions in Thrive Automator, check out the Apps website.
On this site, you'll see the possible actions and triggers for each App available for Thrive Automator, including the Studiocart App.
How to Start Using This Integration
In order to start using this integration you'll need:
- Thrive Automator (free)
- Studiocart (free or premium version)
- The Thrive Automator Studiocart Add-on (free)
When all three are installed on your website, you'll be able to use the Studiocart triggers inside Thrive Automator.
If you have any questions about this integration, you can contact the Studiocart team directly.
Let Us Know What You Think!
We're super happy to see other companies building apps for Thrive Automator, but we want to hear from you.
Are you going to use the Studiocart App? Let us know in the comments below!
How to Request More Thrive Automator Apps
You can help us get the Thrive Automator App integrations you want for your online business!
To do so, just contact your favorite tool and tell them about Thrive Automator.
You could send a message like this:
Hi [tool name] team,
I've started using Thrive Automator, a completely free WordPress plugin that allows to create automations on my website.
I'd love to see an integration with [tool name].
Thrive Automator is 100% API driven and developer friendly. And it's already used by tens of thousands of customers. You can learn more about it here:
And you can reach the Thrive Themes Team to get more details at the email:
Please let us know if you do reach out to other tools, so we can follow up and work together with them to make it as easy as possible to get their Thrive Automator integration App up and running as fast as possible.
Thanks for your help!
Thank you, Hanne! Is this specifically for courses or can it be used for other e-com products?
Hi Ledwick,
Copied from their own homepage:
Can I use Studiocart to power my eCommerce store?
Probably not. If you’re looking for a traditional eCommerce setup that allows customers to add multiple products in different quantities to a shopping cart so they can check everything out all at once, this ain’t it ????
I wonder if this cart allows these scenerio like
– one time offer
– multiple upsell
– capture email first in case of cancelled order
That’s will be great.
Hi Cheefoo,
You can find all the details on their website.
But I know for sure you can capture emails on 2-step forms even when the order is not placed.
Hi Cheefoo,
Nicole from Studiocart here! You absolutely can offer multiple order bumps and one-time offers/upsells. And as Hanne already mentioned, we have a 2-step form layout that lets you capture emails before an order is submitted.
To find out more you can see a list of our features here: ????
Hey Hanne,
This is excellent news.
I’ve been using StudioCart since August 2021 and this integration via Thrive Automator came to solve a big problem.
Now I can retire the Wishlist Member that was used to intermediate the release of courses in Thrive Apprentice.
So, I need 1 less plugin on my WordPress and the setup is leaner.
You guys are awesome.
Keep making us more and more happy.
Yay 🙂 Happy to hear!
i have thrive suite, how to install Thrive Automator StudioCart ? thanks
Hi Jean Philippe,
Check out the last section of the blog post.
You’ll need to install Thrive Automator (through the Thrive Product Manager), Studiocart and the Thrive Automator Add-on available on the Studiocart website.
I wonder if this also means you can sell products, courses, and services through studiocart? hmmm….
It absolutely does 🙂
It’s great Hanne, Thrive Automator opens up huge opportunity for 3rd party, It’s like Thrive Hub to connect with WP external products.
It would be perfect if Thrive had an open API for Thrive Architect page building widgets. It will open up even more horizons with Thrive Suite…
It definitely is a huge opportunity for 3rd party tools! And thanks for the suggestion for the TAR API. It is something we’ve been thinking about.
Aww, that’s perfect! Actually, what I was looking for to decide to move away from Teachable and towards Thrive – but: The cart costs me additionally to the hosting for the videos and the membership for thrive another 199$. So yes, it would be great if Thrive would offer something like that – maybe integrated in the membership.
Thanks for all you do!
Hi Monja,
It’s one of the (dis)advantages of WordPress. You can choose any provider and manage your budget.
Hi Hanne, I am keen to use Thrive Themes on my websites, also to try out studiocart. Is there a specialist who you could recommend to help me to set everything up on a site i use to sell ebooks and ecourses?
Hi Alan,
In our Facebook group ( there are quite a few people who can help! If you haven’t yet, come join and you can ask exactly what you’re looking for.