Create a Product



How to Sell Online Courses with Thrive Apprentice & WooCommerce

In this lesson, you’ll learn how to set up a Thrive Apprentice Product, add access restrictions and drip-feed your Product content. 

Thrive Apprentice isn’t just for online courses. With the Product feature, you can use it to sell memberships, course bundles, and online challenges that include posts and pages, too!

Creating a Product

Start by going to the Products tab in the Thrive Apprentice sidebar.

To create a Product, click ‘Create new product’. Give it a name, and then you can add any pre-existing courses or content that you’d like to include. 

Protecting Your Content

Your content is automatically protected as soon as you add it to a Thrive Apprentice product. Once you install WooCommerce and create a WooCommerce product (later on in the course), your customers will be able to get access to your course by purchasing your WooCommerce product.

Decoupled Drip

In Thrive Apprentice, it’s possible to create multiple Drip schedules that allow students to access specific course content on specific dates. This allows you to sell a course with multiple products, each with a different drip schedule. For example, you can sell a course by itself with a particular drip schedule, and you can sell the exact same course as part of a bundle with a different drip schedule.

Access Restriction Rules

The access restrictions tab is where you decide what someone sees when they are logged out, when they’ve purchased your product or when the content hasn’t been released yet. This tab is only for the Product you’ve just created.

And that's it! Your product is now ready for your first customers! Let's move on to the next module.

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