Create Your Course



How to Sell Online Courses with Thrive Apprentice & WooCommerce

Ready to create your first course in Thrive Apprentice? Let’s dive in!

Course Details

Under the Course details tab, a URL will automatically populate after you click the Save button.

Your Course overview page will show a detailed structure of all available modules and pop up when a user first accesses your course.

By clicking on the Edit with Thrive Architect button, you'll be taken to an actual course page with your fully-editable template and a content section. If you choose to spruce up your course page, you can do this by uploading an eye-catching cover image, course summary, author image and bio.


Next, let’s take a look at the Content tab. Your course content will exist in the form of lessons, however, remember that you'll have the option to structure your course information according to chapters and modules.

When it comes to lesson types, you have 3 to choose from - text, video or audio.

Once you've set up your course structure, you'll be able to add content to your lessons by simply dragging & dropping a text, image, button, or other elements into the content section.

Do you have any complimentary or supportive information you'd like to share? You can do so by clicking on the Add Resources button to add a link, upload a PDF or jump to other site content.

Access Restrictions

All courses are publicly available by default. To protect your course and make it available exclusively to users with permission, you’ll need to add your course to a Thrive Apprentice Product. We’ll cover how to do that in an upcoming lesson.


In the Drip tab, you'll determine the rate at which your content will become available to your users. Sell the same course in different ways, based on your chosen drip scheduling in Thrive Apprentice.


Once you’re finished creating your course, you have the option to Publish it.
Remember, publishing your course without placing it inside of a Thrive Apprentice Product will let it be available to the public for free. To ensure that no one will be able to access your course without paying for it, old off on clicking the Publish button until after your course has been placed inside of a Thrive Apprentice product.

When you are finished creating your online course, it’s time to move on to the next lesson.

  • This process has helped me develop the Workflow I need in order to develop additional courses. I don’t want to have to reinvent the wheel every time I create a new course or anything in my business for that matter. Thank you for the help.

  • Hello, I think this needs to be updated, I am so confused. My screen looks nothing like yours, therefore I can not follow along. Also its not in a great order. You mention WooCommerce set up yet that lesson hasn’t even come up yet. Also you need to set up Themes before any of this takes place. Its taken me a week and I still haven’t successfully created this site. Its best to set this up in chronological order because many of us aren’t starting with a wordpress website but are starting from the very beginning. Thanks

    • Hi there,
      I’m sorry about the confusion. If you’re setting up your site from scratch, I’d suggest first following one of the “website from scratch” tutorials.

  • {"email":"Email address invalid","url":"Website address invalid","required":"Required field missing"}