Setting Up Your Sales Page Waiting List



How to Sell Online Courses with Thrive Apprentice & WooCommerce

In this lesson, you’ll learn how to set up a Sales page with a waiting list email opt-in.

If you haven’t built your course yet, but would like to start gathering a list of potential customers, this approach may be just the ticket!

Create your Sales page by starting with a Pre-Built Landing Page, choose a Landing Page Set, then select a template with a layout you like. In our example, we used the Sales Page template from the Hydrogen smart landing page set.

Next, replace the Sign Up or Buy button with a Lead Generation element to capture email addresses.

When you’re finished customizing the page, save the entire landing page as a template so you can use the same design later. 

In the next lesson, you’ll learn how to recall your saved template and use it for your actual Sales page.

  • How does one know that there are people on the list and if there is any immediate response to their listing?

  • On single optin – in the era of GDPR it is not a good idea to go for this option, especially with MailChimp that has been recently under fire for non-compliance issues. In fact, I’ve read a message today from someone who has received the following warning from MailChimp “Due to recent compliance issues, 450 email addresses require reconfirmation via a double opt-in process before sending to this list again. Learn more.” ( )

  • Hi,
    I already have an active theme on one of my sites (not thrive theme builder) so was wondering if this all setup have thrive theme builder or it can be done architect? In another words do I need to deactivate my original theme that I have installed for that do you work?


    • Hi Tomer,

      You don’t need to switch themes! You can use Thrive Architect to just design the sales page or the waiting list.

  • {"email":"Email address invalid","url":"Website address invalid","required":"Required field missing"}