Setting Up Your Product in WooCommerce



How to Sell Online Courses with Thrive Apprentice & WooCommerce

In this lesson, we'll be looking at how to set up products in WooCommerce.

In your WooCommerce dashboard, scroll down to the Products category, select Add New, then give your product a title (e.g. the name of your course in Thrive Apprentice).

Next, scroll down to the Product data section, select Simple product, check the Virtual box and set your course price in the Regular price ($) field.

After that, click on the Thrive Apprentice tab (under the General tab still in the Product data area). Here, you'll need to select your Thrive Apprentice product.

After you've found your product, head down to the Advanced section. In the Purchase note section, we'll need to enter the link to the actual course - this link is sent out by WooCommerce to the customers who've purchased a course & need access to it. 

Unfortunately, WooCommerce doesn't give you any formatting options for the Purchase note field. This means that you'll need to type in an HTML link instead. (If you're not used to dealing with code, don't worry! We've got you covered.)

Here's the format of the link you'll need to use:


1. Replace with the URL for your course.

You'll find this by accessing your course in Thrive Apprentice and visiting the Course Details tab.

2. Replace [NAME OF YOUR COURSE] with the name of your course.

Ta-da! You've successfully set up your course in WooCommerce.

Next, let's head on over to the next lesson to learn how to go about customizing your WooCommerce email.

{"email":"Email address invalid","url":"Website address invalid","required":"Required field missing"}