Customizing Your Checkout Page



How to Sell Online Courses with Thrive Apprentice & WooCommerce

In this lesson, we’ll go over the initial design setup of your WooCommerce pages, and some of the ways you can customize your Checkout page.

Start configuring the layout of your WooCommerce pages by going through the Thrive Theme Builder Site Setup Wizard. You’ll need to complete the wizard in order for your WooCommerce pages (Shop, Cart, and Checkout pages) to be available for further customization.

Once you finish with the wizard, you can customize each of your WooCommerce page templates by going to Thrive Theme Builder >> Templates.

To view all of your WooCommerce specific page templates, use the dropdown menu near the top of the Thrive Theme Builder templates dashboard, and select Custom Post Templates >> WooCommerce

To edit your WooCommerce Checkout page, look for the template labeled “Default WooCommerce Checkout”.

Once you open your Checkout page template with the Thrive visual editor, you can:

  • Customize your header, top section, bottom section, and footer
  • Customize fonts, colors, and form fields
  • Add and customize any of the available Thrive Architect elements (click the Add Elements button in the right sidebar)

More customization options!

Want to simplify your checkout form by removing some form fields? Use the extension Direct Checkout for WooCommerce.

Want to set up a custom Thank You page? Use the plugin NextMove Lite - Thank You Page for WooCommerce.

And that’s it! You’re ready to start selling your course and grow your online business.

Not a Thrive Suite customer yet?

Get Thrive Apprentice, Thrive Theme Builder, Thrive Architect and the entire Thrive Themes online business building toolkit today!

We’re constantly adding new features, plugins and professionally designed templates to Thrive Suite to make it even easier, faster, and more fun for course creators like you to build successful online businesses in 2025!

  • Thank You Christine for creating this simple-to-follow course. This is why I’m a ThriveThemes (aka Thrive Suite) Member – Great Tools & Support which makes my Work Life easier.

  • Wow, that was to the point. Thanks!! And you have a pleasant voice that makes it easy to listen to what you are saying.

  • Superb! I’m so proud of you guys and gurls at Thrive. Shane MeLaugh has assembled such an amazing and superior class of talented people.

    Sometimes in this business, you’ll run into good people with poor products or great products with poor people. It’s not often that you run into a company with great products and smart people. Such is Thrive, smart people with great products.

    Thrive towers above the competition. That’s my scorecard 100%!

  • Thank you very much. I’ve spun my wheels for months to understand how to do all of this. In just 1 day I created everything I needed to sell my courses.

  • Can you explain how to add the plugins you mentioned? I downloaded them, uploaded them as plugins on my website but I can’t see them in the Shapeshift theme. Thank you!

    • Hi,
      Those plugins are independent from Shapeshift/Thrive Theme Builder so you’ll probably find them in the backend of your site under the name of the plugin or so.
      I’d suggest looking at their documentation to learn more about how to use these plugins.

  • I have a technical question. BTW, this is awesome. I am about to dump my course and membership plugins, but before i do that, I have this question:
    – How is access restriction for each handled? Are there roles assigned to each user which relate to the courses they purchased?

    The reason for asking is when someone get access to a course we also tie access to a couple of other domains which are handled by the roles assigned.
    Thanks again.

  • Great stuff

    Can you give a hint about tax handling aka different VAT / sales taxes depending on the location of the buyer?

    Is that handled through Stripe?

    Thank you

    • Yes, this will be of interest for too. Especially because of the wiered tax rules for digital products, since the tax of the buyers home country is relevant etc.

  • This course “How to Sell Online Courses with Thrive Apprentice & WooCommerce” was excellent. I followed the instruction demonstrated by the teacher and setup up my very first online product foundation with ease.
    Thank you Christine,
    You are a master teacher indeed.

  • Amazing. Thanks for this introduction. I have a good understanding of woocomerce and TT (Thrive Themes), but I consider there is not so much about Apprentice. So, I have the same question:

    1) How does Apprentice manage the courses. May I have many courses?
    2) What if my courses have videos?
    3) How can I structure a course? I like to have Modules and lessons. How can I do this with Apprentice?
    4) Can I block lessons? I mean a lesson can not start before completing the previous lesson

    • Hi there,

      1) Yes you can have as many courses as you like
      2) No problem, you can choose “video lessons” (where the video is on top of the page) or simply add video elements to the content of a normal lesson.
      3) Apprentice uses modules, chapters and lessons to structure a course
      4) Yes

    • Their demo? Also I would get started without the plugin and start selling. You can always optimize after!

  • Thank you Christine for your clear instructions. It was very helpful! Not as intimidating as I thought it would be to set up my first course online. Really helpful and informative!

  • My site was developed by another designer. I’m not sure of the theme. If I install Thrive Theme Builder from the Product Manager, will it change the appearance of my current pages?

    • Yes! The moment you activate Thrive Theme Builder, it will replace your currently active theme and it will change the appearance of your site. Please make sure to have a full backup and to use a staging environment before doing any theme changes. You can read about how to change to Thrive Theme Builder and what will change exactly in this course:

  • So on my checkout page, the email address box is pre-populated with my email (?). When I load a site preview that is carried over. Why is this happening? And how do I change this setting? Thanks!

    • can you try in an incognito window? Because when you look at your site while working on it, you are logged in.

  • Hallo there, thank you for the great course. I have a question. I have installed the plugin “direct checkout” now on the Produktpage the button “Add to card” didn´t change. How can i change them? If i go to the Thrive Themebuilder it doesn´t work.

  • I have a question, Hanne. My website is already built with the YooTheme Templates. When I install and activate Thrive Theme Builder the whole website is ruined. So is there any other possibility to create the WooCommerce pages or do I just miss an important step?

    • Hi Doris,

      Thrive Theme Builder IS a WordPress theme so the moment you install it, it will change how your site is displayed.
      If you simply want to create WooCommerce pages without using theme builder, you can do so from within the WooCommerce plugin.
      Install WooCommerce and go though the setup manually. It should ask you to create/assign those pages.

      You won’t have the customizability options though. So depending on how your theme handles WooCommerce pages it might look different from the tutorial.

  • Excellent as usual. In every lesson, you guys remind me that I made the best decision ever buying your suite. Thank you guys, your attention to detail and dedication to your customers’ success is outstanding!

    I followed this course and also did the Corse Craft. I’m following all the instructions but after I test the purchase of the course, I get the receipt and it goes to a generic “Thank you” page but there is no button/link to access the course! How can I customize a specific thank you [age for each product/course?

  • Hi, I have a question regarding your last lesson/video. I don’t have the Thrive Theme Builder, only Thrive Architect and Apprentice. Does that mean I cannot customize the woocommerce pages?

    • Hi Birgit,

      Yes you won’t be able to customize the WooCommerce templates because that’s not part of your content but of your theme.
      You would still be able to create landing pages with WooCommerce elements on there but to change the default layout of your product page template you need Thrive Theme Builder

  • Awesome, however the YITH plugin is not available anymore… any replacement that you know?

  • Thank you very much for the lesson.

    I’m afraid the redirect plugin you suggest is no longer available.

    Could you suggest another one instead, please.

    • Hi Deborah, it appears that both of the plugins mentioned in this lesson are currently available. Perhaps they were unavailable momentarily. Thanks for mentioning it though, it’s always good to keep these lessons updated.

  • I am a Thrivethemes customer. Is this the whole funnel process or do I need to add a funnel plugin?

    Can you provide the detail for adding the HTML code? I couldn’t follow your instructions. Thank you!

    • Hi Terri, you do not need a funnel plugin. Between WooCommerce and Thrive Suite, you’ll have everything you need to sell online courses. 🙂 I’m sure sure which HTML code you’re referring to, as I don’t think I mentioned any HTML in this lesson. Could you please clarify?

  • Excellent. I came to Thrive Themes just by Google Search very accidentally but got so impressed of the explanations especially of Christine that made me to buy Thrive Suite and dump all of the themes and LMS Plugins that I had bought earlier. Thrive themes is so customizable that meets need of a web designer perfectionist.

  • {"email":"Email address invalid","url":"Website address invalid","required":"Required field missing"}