Setting Up Your Actual Sales Page



How to Sell Online Courses with Thrive Apprentice & WooCommerce

Now that you’ve saved your Sales page (with an email opt-in instead of a buy button) as a template, you can use it to create the actual Sales page for your course.

These two pages will look very much alike, but on your actual Sales page you can replace the Lead Generation elements with Button elements and Pricing Table blocks. 

Start by creating a new page as a Pre-Built Landing Page. When the Landing Page Library loads, choose “Saved Landing Page” from the sidebar on the left. Then, simply choose your landing page.

Want to further customize your actual Sales page with different copy, images, blocks, or elements? Have at it!

You’ll need to complete some additional setup before linking your Buy button to your Checkout page, so after customizing the layout of the page, simply save the page and we’ll come back to it later. 

Let’s move on to setting up your course in Thrive Apprentice.

  • I don’t find that when you take the shortcut with the elevator music without explaining what you are doing, helpful. The rest is good.

  • {"email":"Email address invalid","url":"Website address invalid","required":"Required field missing"}