
Thrive University - Your Library of Online Marketing Courses

In January we launched Thrive University. Thrive University is a platform with free and members-only online marketing courses.

Our favorite courses are:


 Thrive Quiz Builder - The Advanced Lead Generation Method

In February we launched Thrive Quiz Builder. This plugin allows you to create quizzes to apply advanced marketing techniques such as answer based email segmentation, get in depth audience insights and increase website engagement.


Launch - Listen - Improve - Repeat


One of the main differences between Thrive Themes and our competition is that we take customer feedback serious! We listen to our users and improve our products constantly based on their wants and needs.

In March we've added the following new features:

Click the button below to see all our new features:


Teaching is Part of our Mission

A big part of our mission at Thrive Themes is to empower you to build your online business. We do this through our tools but also through our training.

We published 93 blog articles and did tons of website reviews and landing page from scratch tutorials to help you make a better website.

Learn From the Best


No need to re-invent the wheel. Analyze what the best are doing and implement it in your own marketing strategy. When we analyzed what Ramit Sethi did to collect leads we were blown away. And so should you. Read this post and you'll discover what it takes to create your own lead generation machine.

The good thing? All of this can be done with Thrive Leads, our list building plugin.

Create and Deliver High Value Opt-in Offers


In June we decided to go back to the basics and show you how to create a good looking PDF eBook and how to deliver it to your new subscribers.

Thrive Apprentice: Build Professional Online Courses, Straight Out of the Box


In July, our members got exclusive access to Thrive Apprentice. Thrive Apprentice allows to create and display online courses on your site. Currently the plugin is only available for our members but we'll release it to the public in the beginning of next year.

Thrive Architect: Turn Your Ideas Into Pages with the Fastest, Truly Visual Editor for WordPress


August was an important milestone. We finally launched Thrive Architect

Thrive Architect is the new and (much) improved version of our very fist plugin, Thrive Content Builder. 

Thrive Architect is a front-end editor that allows you to create landing pages and website content in a breeze.

200+ Landing Page Templates Included in Thrive Architect


After launching Thrive Architect, we could finally start cranking out new templates again. We've added 6 new landing pages sets and 11 bonus pages which brings us to over 200 landing page templates available for all Thrive Architect users.

UnBlackFriday - Because we Believe in Giving Back


We have a strict no discount policy. The price you see currently on the website is always the lowest price. That's why we don't do seasonal discounts. This year for Thanksgiving we decided to give half of our revenue to a good cause; Kiva. This allowed us to donate $9865 in micro loans to entrepreneurs who need that little help.

Thrive Comments: Turn the Most Overlooked Feature on Your Website Into Your Most Valuable Asset


Comments aren't sexy and they do not get the attention they desserve. Our blog comments have been invaluable in growing Thrive Themes. That direct line with our audience is what allows us to create better products and content. But we were frustrated with the limitation of WordPress comments and that's why we decided to build a better solution: Thrive Comments.

Our Favorite Blog Posts

Oct 6  I  2017  I  in Build Your List

Will Shaming Your Visitors for Closing a Lightbox Increase Opt-ins?

aug 16  I  2017  I  in why we're the best

Revealed: How to Create the “Bubble Effect” we Famously Use in Our Video Tutorials

sep 15  I  2017  I  in case studies

Get Your Website’s Secret Design Code: Template Included

Our Most Shared Content

feb 17  I  2017  I  in Build Your List

Content Recycling: How to Never Run Out of Content Ideas Again

mar 3 I  2017  I  in increase your conversions

The Secret to Effortless Email Sales (No Evil Schemes Required)

july 14  I  2017  I  in build your list

The 5 Types of Blog Posts that Need to Be Part of Your Content Marketing Strategy


We could not have done it without you! 

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