10 Best WordPress Themes for a Coaching Business

Chipo   0

Updated on September 19, 2023

Are you searching for a theme for your coaching business?

This guide can help you.

We’ve narrowed your options down to 10 of the WordPress themes for a coaching business

Keep reading to find the best one for you.

What to Look for When Considering a Theme for Your Coaching Business

The theme you choose for your coaching website determines how your site will look, as well as how your audience will perceive your brand.

If you pick a theme that hasn’t been updated in years and offers a limited set of templates and customization options, you’ll struggle to create a good user experience for your visitors.

In addition to that, your potential customers will struggle to trust your brand because of your website’s poor performance – and you don’t want that.

That’s why it’s important to consider the following factors when looking for an online coaching WordPress theme:

  • Professional design and quality
  • Ease of setup
  • Number of available page and website templates
  • Customization options
  • Security (how often is the theme updated?)
  • Mobile responsiveness
  • Plugin compatibility
  • Pricing

Finding the right theme for your coaching business can be tough because of all the available options online. 

To help you feel less overwhelmed, we’ve created a curated list of the best WordPress theme options you should consider. 

10 Best WordPress Themes for a Coaching Business

This section covers 10 of the best coaching WordPress themes.

There are options from different price ranges, so you’ll be able to find one that fits your needs— whether you’re looking for a super premium theme or something suitable for a bootstrap budget:

If you want a custom WordPress theme to make your coaching website stand out from the rest – you need Thrive Theme Builder.

Thrive Theme Builder

Thrive Theme Builder is designed to help you:

When you purchase Thrive Theme Builder, you also get access to a selection of custom starter theme templates – all perfect for creating an online coaching website.

Two of the best themes for coaching sites are Xpert and Ommi.

Xpert: Online Coaching Theme

Xpert: Online Coaching Theme

Whether you are a coach, consultant, professional speaker, or mentor -- Xpert is designed for you.

This online coaching theme uses a squared, strong, confident aesthetic partnered with clean oval-shaped call-to-action buttons. Fonts are sans serif but with a wider spacing.

It's a theme that oozes professionalism without ever feeling cold— exactly the right tone to hit for an approachable, helpful coaching business persona.

Just like all of our Thrive Theme Builder companion themes, Xpert comes with all the website templates and landing page templates you'd need to launch and scale a coaching-based business, including:

  • 2 personal-branding-focused homepage templates to choose from

  • A product page, for selling your coaching services, eBooks, or anything else

  • Lead generation funnel pages, including the opt-in page + thank-you page (and an optional 2-step email confirmation page)

  • Webinar registration pages + thank you pages

  • Speaking and media service promotion pages

  • Podcast promotion page

  • Professional reviews and testimonial page,

  • Cohort-based coaching session info page

  • Contact page

  • About page

Ommi is a warm, welcoming modern WordPress theme for your online coaching business.

Ommi theme templates

It uses Thrive Theme Builder to fully customize every single aspect of your website, giving you the power to build the perfect online visitor experience your brand deserves.

Most WordPress themes consist of just a few page templates for your blog, pages, homepage, and — if you’re lucky — category pages.

But not Ommi.

Ommi includes:

  • 9 Pre-Designed homepage layouts

  • 7 SEO-friendly standalone page templates

  • 133 design blocks (benefits sections, call-to-action blocks, FAQs, hero sections, lists, pricing tables, testimonials, and more)

  • 39 customizable headers and footers

  • 14 blog post layouts

  • 7 blog list templates

  • 9 theme page templates

  • 120 pre-designed page sections

  • 12 WooCommerce-Ready Store templates

… and so much more!

Keep in mind that these are just 2 of the selection of stunning themes you can choose from Thrive Theme Builder.

If you purchase Thrive Theme Builder with Thrive Suite, the ultimate WordPress plugin bundle, you’ll also get access to Thrive Architect, our drag-and-drop builder, and 8 other powerful plugins to build a professional coaching website.

Pricing starts from $99/year.

Buy Thrive Theme Builder

Screenshot of SeedProd Sales page

SeedProd is one of the best WordPress website builders with drag-and-drop functionality. Like Thrive Theme Builder, you can use this plugin to create your own custom WordPress theme and landing pages – without writing a single line of code.

For online coaches, SeedProd has a variety of pre-made templates you can choose to create your coaching site

One of the best ones to use is EliteConsult, designed for consultants, coaches, mentors, speakers, and more.

All of SeedProd’s templates include the layouts you need to create a high-quality coaching website, including homepages, sidebars, headers, footers, landing pages, blog pages, and more. You can either use them as they are or completely customize them to suit your needs.

SeedProd’s page builder includes a live preview of your site to see any changes you make in real time. 

It also features block-based design elements, allowing you to add lead-generation features, including testimonials, contact forms, social media buttons, and more, with one click.

Pricing starts from $199.50 per year.

Astra is a multipurpose WordPress theme that’s loved for its flexibility. This theme is user-friendly, optimized for speed, and works for all types of large and small businesses – including coaching.

When you purchase an Astra subscription, you get access to over 200+ templates that include header layouts, advanced blog layouts, global color palettes, self-hosted Google fonts, and a host of other features to create an impressive business website.

This theme’s pro plans also include WooCommerce-optimized features, so your eCommerce store looks as good as the rest of your coaching website.

Astra is compatible with most landing page plugins, including Elementor Pro, SeedProd, and Beaver Builder.

Pricing starts from $47 per year.

4. Divi

Divi landing page template

Divi is a popular WordPress theme that offers a large selection of templates to create a coaching website to impress your potential clients

This powerful theme comes with hundreds of pre-made layouts for all kinds of niches – including coaching.

You can add a layout to your site with Divi’s one-click demo feature to quickly create professional pages and blog layouts. From there, you can replace the demo content with your own using the Divi Builder, their front-end visual editor.

This drag-and-drop page builder acts as a live customizer, so you get to see the changes you make to your theme in real-time.

Divi Builder also allows you to move elements, save custom designs, embed custom CSS, and easily add testimonials, too. 

Pricing starts from $89 per year.

5. OceanWP

OceanWP is another popular WordPress theme, known for its ease of use, customization options, and selection of website templates.

These are site templates any coach can use to build their coaching website, including life coaches, health coaches, and personal trainers.

OceanWP is available as a free WordPress theme, but you get much more when you purchase one of their pro plans. A paid subscription gives you access to free plugin extensions, royalty-free images and icons, social media integration, and Elementor-specific design sections.

This theme is optimized for the Elementor page builder, which is limiting for users who prefer to use an Elementor alternative.

Pricing starts from $43 per year.

6. Neve

Neve is a modern, mobile responsive WordPress theme from Themeisle. 

Built with speed and responsiveness in mind, this theme is designed to help you build a website that can open on any device quickly.

Neve’s simple, minimalist design also comes with key features to build an impressive coaching website, including call-to-action (CTA) buttons, custom logo functionality, fullscreen templates, and more.

You can use a variety of page builders to customize this theme, including Divi and Beaver Builder. Neve also supports the WordPress block editor to customize your pages and posts.

This theme integrates with WooCommerce too, allowing you to create an online store for your digital products and subscriptions.

Pricing starts from $69 per year.

Hestia Pro is primarily for one-page websites – which is ideal for entrepreneurs who want a simple website to start their coaching business’ online presence – but also offers multi-page layouts.

This theme is compatible with the WordPress block editor (Gutenberg) and all popular page builders – Thrive Architect, Elementor, Beaver Builder, Visual Composer, WPBakery Page Builder, and more.

Hestia Pro also integrates with the WooCommerce plugin, so you can easily sell your physical and digital products.

Hestia is also retina-ready and uses a responsive design to look great on different screen sizes.

Pricing starts from $69 per year.

8. Efor

Efor is a WordPress theme specifically designed for coaching and online courses. This theme is suitable for health coaches, fitness trainers, life coaches, motivational speakers, and other types of online coaches.

This theme works best with Elementor Page Builder, which comes with a front-end visual editor. As you make changes to your page templates, you’ll get to see them in real-time.

With an Elementor Pro subscription, which you may need to purchase separately, you’ll get access to design elements like sidebars, animations, pop-ups, custom widgets, shortcode functionality, mobile-friendly components, and more.

Efor’s page templates are translation-ready, SEO-optimized, and also support WooCommerce

This theme also integrates with LearnPress and TutorLMS – two of the top WordPress LMS plugins.

You can purchase this theme for a one-time payment of $99.

Ultra is another great option to consider if you’re looking for a WordPress theme for your coaching site. This multipurpose theme comes with a variety of pre-designed website layouts to help you create a modern design for your professional website.

When you purchase the Ultra theme, you also get access to the user-friendly Themify page builder, allowing you to customize your site easily. You can also get advanced add-ons like pricing tables, progress bars, CTA buttons, and more to add to your design elements.

Ultra’s page templates are also SEO-friendly and WooCommerce-ready.

Pricing starts from $59.

Blossom Coach is a free WordPress theme designed specifically for life coaches, mentors, speakers, and therapists.

But if you want to get the most out of this theme, you may be better off purchasing one of its premium versions. You’ll get access to design elements like custom headers, customizable banners, contact forms, events calendar, ebook landing pages, and so much more.

This is another theme that integrates with top LMS plugins like TutorLMS and LearnPress.

Pricing starts from $59.

Next Steps: Set Up Your Website in Less than an Hour

Now that you’ve purchased your domain, hosting service, and theme, it’s time to build your website. 

If you opted for Thrive Theme Builder, you can do this in less than 30 minutes.

The Thrive Theme Builder Setup Wizard is designed to help you put together your custom WordPress theme in minutes.

Some of the steps in the wizard include:

  • Uploading a dark and light version of your logo

  • Selecting a header and footer template

  • Choosing a homepage template

  • Picking a blog layout and blog post template

By the end of the Setup Wizard, you'll have created a clean website design that you can now go in and customize using Thrive Architect.

If you're looking for more resources related to building an online coaching business, growing an audience, or generating conversions, check out these free tutorials:

FAQs: Best WordPress Themes for Coaching Websites

Q: Is WordPress good for life coaches?

A: Yes, it is. WordPress is the best website builder in the market and offers a wide selection of themes and design tools for life coaches, trainers, and consultants to build a successful coaching website

You can also easily build an online course platform on WordPress, and integrate it with your coaching site.

Q: What is the best WordPress theme for online courses?

A: If you want to build a website for your online course business, we recommend using Thrive Theme Builder and Thrive Architect, which you can purchase as a bundle or with Thrive Suite.

To create an online course platform on WordPress, as well, you should use Thrive Apprentice, the best course-building plugin. You get access to all three of these plugins (and 7 more) when you purchase Thrive Suite.

Q: Are paid WordPress themes worth it?

A: Yes. Paid WordPress themes offer more advanced features – and security – compared to free WordPress themes.

Build and Launch Your Online Coaching Website Today

Creating your coaching website doesn’t have to be hard or complicated. With the right tools, you can get the job done fast.

Thrive Theme Builder is your best bet for creating a unique coaching website to attract potential clients and start building your tribe

Using Thrive Theme Builder with Thrive Architect will help you create stunning web pages and landing pages to promote your coaching services and products.

You can purchase these two plugins together or as a part of Thrive Suite.

When you purchase Thrive Suite, you get access to 7 other plugins you can use to enhance your coaching website and offer online courses, engaging quizzes, compelling lead magnets, and so much more.

The choice is yours.

Check out Thrive Suite’s pricing today.

by Chipo  September 8, 2023


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