Written By: author avatar Hanne
author avatar Hanne
Hanne knows exactly what companies have ever retargeted her (she keeps an updated file). And when she's not busy discussing high-level funnel design over cocktails with the equally geeky, you'll find her discovering a place for the first time

|  Updated on August 23, 2023

How to Use Quizzes to Sell Your Products and Services

You know what people care about more than the latest iPhone or the hottest celebrity?


The most exciting topic people like to talk about is themselves.

It’s why you need to make your marketing ABOUT THEM!

Quizzes are an excellent way to do that.

Let me show you how to set up a quiz to make your marketing feel more personal and sell your products and services on autopilot 24 hours a day!


The Quiz Funnel

Quiz landing page ⇒ 10 questions ⇒ Opt-in Gate ⇒ The Slow Reveal Sales Page

How to Create this Quiz Funnel for Your Online Business

It should be no surprise that greater personalization translates to better conversion rates. That's why if your business can provide a more personalized sales experience through quizzes (even if the suggested product offer is the same in each quiz result), testing a quiz funnel is a no-brainer!

Think about your quiz as a sales person.

Before making an offer, the sales person will first ask a few questions to figure out what the best product would be or how to position the sale of the product.

That’s exactly what a quiz funnel does!

For this post, I’ll take the example of selling an online course about Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

The SEO course would be useful for:

  • bloggers,
  • course creators,
  • affiliate marketers and
  • consultants.

Any of these audiences will need to know and hear specific stories and examples to believe the course is for them.

That’s where our quiz comes in.

Through its questions, you’ll learn which visitor identifies with which customer category.

Then, on the results page, you can make the highest converting sales pitch for each visitor.

How to Position a Quiz for Selling

Before diving into the exact step-by-step of how to create this quiz funnel, we need to address a very important issue: the positioning of your quiz.

Why do people take quizzes?

We analyzed the most popular online quizzes and one thing we noticed was that quizzes always promise to teach the quiz taker something about themselves.

Whether it’s which ugly Christmas sweater they should buy or which Harry Potter character they are, it’s always about them.

You need to keep this in mind when creating your own quiz.

Even if the actual goal of your quiz is to sell something.

How can you make sure the quiz will teach the quiz taker something about themselves AND successfully pitch your product?

In our quiz funnel example selling an SEO course, I would call the quiz:

What’s Holding You Back From Ranking on Page 1?
Take the quiz to find out the number 1 thing you should implement TODAY to rank YOUR site on page 1.

As you can see, we’re promising personalized SEO advice (which we’ll give!) to make the quiz worthwhile.

With that in mind, it’s time to create your quiz funnel.

Creating Your Quiz Funnel

You already discovered what this quiz funnel will look like once finished.

However, it’s important to note that creating a quiz funnel happens backwards from how the quiz taker flows through it. Here’s the high level overview:

  1. You decide on the “categories” you want to create different sales pages for
  2. You create these sales pages as separate WordPress pages
  3. You create your quiz and add the questions
  4. You create your opt-in gate
  5. You connect the categories with the results pages
  6. You create the quiz landing page and embed the quiz on the landing page

Let’s get started!

Step 1: Decide on the Categories

In our example for the SEO course, the categories we identified were:

  • Bloggers
  • Affiliate Marketers
  • Course Creators
  • Consultants

For your own quiz, choose between 3 to 5 categories you want to have separate sales pitches for.

Why 3 to 5? Because you’ll need to create separate sales pages for each of your quiz categories. Limiting yourself to 5 results max keeps you from overdoing it in the first iteration of your quiz!

Step 2: Create Your Sales Pages

sales page course creator result
result consultant
result blogger
result affiliate marketer

A quiz result sales page is slightly different from a regular sales page.

With the quiz, you promise people they will learn something useful by taking it.

On your sales page you need to make good on that promise.

Don’t skimp on the educational part! The quality of the free information you’re giving away will have a direct impact on how much people will trust the remaining advice you promise they’ll receive.

The easiest way to do this is by presenting an educational video that turns into a sales pitch at the end.

And by using the content reveal element in Thrive Architect to hide the written sales pitch for a given amount of time (i.e. until the video sales pitch begins)...

… you’ll be giving quiz takers valuable advice before getting pitched to buy anything.

If you want to learn more about writing sales pages checkout Sales Page Blueprint.

Repeat this process for each of your sales pages.

In our quiz funnel example, here this means creating 4 unique sales pages to go along with our 4 unique quiz category results.

Step 3: Create the Quiz

In Thrive Quiz Builder, choose the “Build from Scratch” option:

tqb build from scratch

Choose the "Build from scratch" option.

Give your quiz a name and then in the quiz type option, pick the category quiz:

tqb category quiz

We're using the Category quiz type.

Now add your categories by typing them in the “Add category” field and hitting enter for each.

We’ll also set the feedback to none:

tqb add categories

The categories will correspond the different sales pages you created.

Choose any quiz style, we’ll pick the Minimalist one.

minimalist design tqb

Pick your favorite quiz style. Minimalist is clean and will fit most topics.

Now let’s add our quiz questions! 10 simple multiple choice questions is a good target. Remember that the goal of your quiz is to get people to your sales page so don’t make your quiz takers feel like they're taking the SAT!

add questions tqb

Add question >> Multiple Choice with Buttons (so you don't get stuck on finding images)

Out of the 10 multiple choice questions you set up, you’ll need at least one question that sorts your quiz takers into the right quiz result category! You can do this by assigning the categories you created to the appropriate question answer:

assign categories to answers tqb

At least one question is mapped to the categories.

Make sure to connect your questions after adding them all in the question manager. When you’re done hit the save and exit button:

connect the questions

Connect your questions by dragging from one connector to the other.

Don’t overthink this! Done is better than perfect.

Remember to set up 10 questions with at least 1 category defining question.

Step 4: Create Your Opt-in Gate

Most people who see your sales page won’t buy.

That’s why we’re adding an opt-in gate to your quiz.

The opt-in gate allows you to collect quiz taker emails, which enables you to send follow-up sales messages.

Anyone who opts in via this opt-in gate will automatically be tagged with their quiz result in your email marketing service (in this example, it will be one of the four categories).

However, the goal of the quiz is to get people to the sales page. Which is why we’ll add a “skip this step” link that allows people to see the result (aka the sales page) — even if they’re not willing to give their email address.

To set this up, click on the plus button next to the opt-in Gate in the quiz structure:

add opt-in gate tqb

Click the + Opt-in Gate button

Then click on “manage” to start editing the opt-in gate:

manage opt-in gate tqb

Click the Manage button to edit the opt-in gate

This will give you the option to edit the opt-in gate content and even to create A/B testing variations of your opt-in gate to create the ultimate quiz lead magnet.

We’ll not cover the opt-in gate A/B testing option right now, so let’s just edit the one variation we’re creating:

edit opt-in gate tqb

Click the blue pencil button to edit the opt-in gate

This will open the visual editor.

You’ll see a generic opt-in gate with a “skip this step” link that allows quiz takers to go to the results page without giving their email:

generic opt-in gate tqb

This is the generic opt-in gate before adding dynamic content

However, what we’re trying to do here is have personalized opt-in gates for each result category rather than just a single generic opt-in gate.

To build this, click on the plus button in the top right of the narrow right sidebar and look for the “dynamic content” element:

dynamic content element tqb

Drag and drop the dynamic content element in the "Thrive Quiz Builder page"

Drag and drop this element on the page — above the headline, but inside the “Thrive Quiz Builder Page” element:

dynamic opt-in gate tqb

The moment you add the dynamic content element you'll see the option to add content based on result categories

You’ll see that you automatically get 4 instances of this dynamic content box. One for each result category you created in the quiz.

The purple indicates that you’re currently editing the “Affiliate Marketer” category.

Everything we add inside this dynamic content box (while this first category is purple), will only show to a quiz taker for that specific result.

Because we want all the elements from the generic opt-in gate, you can drag them all inside the dynamic content box and simply change the title to match our category.

And don’t forget to connect your email marketing service with the lead generation form!

Don’t worry about modifying the action after sign up as this form will automatically send your leads to the correct results sales page associated with the quiz category they ended up with.

Now click on the second category (in green) and use the “import content” function to quickly create a copy of the first category opt-in gate.

Adjust the title and you’re good to go.

Do this for each Category:

dynamic opt-in gate 2 tqb

Each category has it's own opt-in gate

When you’re done, save your work and close the tab.

Step 5: Link Each Category Result to The Sales Page

Now that we have the quiz questions and the dynamic opt-in gate set up, it’s time to assign the correct results page redirects.

In the quiz structure, select the URL redirect option for the results page:

url redirect tqb

Choose the URL Redirect option to send people to your sales pages after taking the quiz

This will bring you to a screen where you can assign each URL you want to redirect quiz takers to based on the results of their quiz:

redirect assign url tqb

Search for the sales pages you created in Step 2

Choose the “Redirect to content on the site” option and search for the title of the respective sales page you created for a given category (in this instance, “Result: Consultant”).

Make sure to set a sales page URL for each category.

That’s it! Your quiz is now ready to be shown on your website.

Let’s now add it on the quiz landing page.

Step 6: Create the Quiz Landing Page

Create a new page on your site. Make this a blank page.

Now in Thrive Architect, search for the quiz element and drag and drop it on the page:

quiz element tar

Add the Quiz element to the quiz landing page

This will allow you to search for the quiz by name.

Save and publish the page.

Will You Build This Quiz Funnel?

I hope you found this tutorial helpful and that you see the enormous potential of using quizzes to sell your products and services!

Not sure how to apply this to your business? Leave a comment explaining what you’re selling and we can brainstorm together 🙂

Written on March 30, 2022

About the author
author avatar
Hanne knows exactly what companies have ever retargeted her (she keeps an updated file). And when she's not busy discussing high-level funnel design over cocktails with the equally geeky, you'll find her discovering a place for the first time

Disclosure: Our content is reader-supported. This means if you click on some of our links, then we may earn a commission. We only recommend products that we believe will add value to our readers.

Leave a Comment

  • Hi, I watched your video it’s great and helpful, some things you need to explain about results that I have not understood.
    I will appreciate your concern about this issue.

  • It’s really interesting. Thank you. I ‘d like to use it apprentice. Not to get the prospect to a sale page, but to get my student to a specific module. How can I do this?
    Thank you for your clearance

  • Thanks Hanne, very useful to see the whole strategy and process laid out. I suggest adding a small passage to the text, pointing out that you can use almost the same process even if you’re not selling the same thing to several different markets. Lots of people might be selling several different courses/services but to the same market, depending on those people’s specific situation/problem. I think the only practical difference would be that the various sales pages would all lead to separate offers instead of the same one.

  • Hanne – this is soooo cool. I’ve got a million ideas for this. Have literally just set up this up to direct people to different call booking pages depending on their product interest after completing a few survey questions about their own business. Love it 🙂
    Thanks for your clear explanation

  • Nice post, came at a great time as I just started building my own quiz funnel.

    One thing that I am having trouble with now.

    As the quiz page is basically a landing page.

    How do you get traffic to it?

    SEO traffic is out. So what traffic sources do you suggest?

    • You can still create a page for SEO purpose and then have a button that redirects to the quiz landing page.
      Other ways to get traffic would be by sharing this page on social media (organic or paid) social and quizzes is a great combination.

  • Thank Hanne! This looks good 🙂 One request would be to have a feature where a user gets to see the results and then after a little while (let’s say 5-10 seconds), they can be redirected to the sales page, where they can see a timely offer through Thrive Ultimatum.

    • I think it could work if you use the “redirect” option in the reveal element.
      So you’d have the page with the results and then have a reveal element that “shows” after 20 seconds but it redirects to the sales page.
      Haven’t tested it yet but I believe this should work 🙂

  • Hi Hanne! This was fantastic and exactly what we needed. Your explanations are so easy to follow.
    I have one question – how do we use the shortcode?
    Thanks again!

    • Hi Alicia,

      If you’re not using Thrive Architect on the page you want to add the quiz, you can simply copy and paste the shortcode (as normal text) in your page/post editor and this will show the quiz.

  • {"email":"Email address invalid","url":"Website address invalid","required":"Required field missing"}