Written By: author avatar Stephanie K
author avatar Stephanie K
Stephanie is a slow traveler who loves anything that can be described as remote, country or outback. She dabbles in documentary making and seeks out unique experiences. With a passion for helping small business utilize the internet for growth, she enjoys demystifying the web for those who could benefit from it most.

|  Updated on December 22, 2019

Two Easy Tips for Optimizing Your Landing Pages (Landing Page Remake)

"It's goooood" your friend tells you with that signature high pitch at the end - which tells you know it's not in fact 'good', and their comment is a well meaning but transparent attempt to spare your feelings. 

You're not that insulted, you kind of already knew.

Even though you spent hours putting together your new landing page, it just doesn't feel like a winner. I mean it's not terrible... it's just not that amazing either. 

And while you're OK with the fact that you've put together a less than convincing landing page (hey, it happens), the real problem is you have no idea how to improve it. 


In today's Landing Page remake, I'm going to take you through some important processes to ensure your landing page is the best it can be. 

You'll see these processes in action in the before and after of The Perfect Pitch that Sells' webinar registration page. Here's the original page:

(Click to enlarge)

The 80/20 to Great Landing Pages

The first version of your landing page a bit like the state you're in when you first get out of bed in the morning. 

If you're like me, you're nowhere near fit for human consumption. There's no shame in that, it's just life!

But by going through a series of processes: combing your hair, brushing your teeth, putting on respectable threads... you start looking great and feel ready to take on the world.

The same is true for your landing pages. The first version is never the best it can be.

By following a predefined improvement process every time you create a landing page, you can ensure your page will always reach a certain level of quality. 

Process One - Check for Deliberate Content

Every landing page should have just one goal. That goal can be anything: get the visitor to enter their email address, buy, register for a webinar, etc.

To make sure you're landing page is as potent as possible, you'll need to check that every element on the page is the best use of content possible to push your visitor towards that goal.

If you'd like to learn more about how to dial up the potency of your landing pages, check out one of our previous landing page remake posts here.

Deliberate content Exercise

Step 1: Clearly define the one goal of your landing page.

Step 2: Go through each page section and ask yourself... Is this the best possible use of content and page space to get a visitor to [insert landing page goal here]?

Let's take a few examples from the landing page remake.

You'll notice on the original landing page shown above, the creator showcases the points they will be covering in the webinar under the acronym STOP IT.

The acronym section gives away almost all of the webinar content, making it much less important for the visitor to sign up and attend the actual webinar - the landing page goal.

To combat this we switched the blurbs under each acronym to focus more on generating curiosity.

"Simplify: Look at your slide outline and see what content is in each slide. Start to eliminate what you don’t need as you’re talking."

was changed to: 

"Simplify: Learn how to determine what content is needed in each slide, so you can define a clear message that will hook your audience."

We also outlined more clearly that the rest of the acronym details will be drip fed leading up to and on the actual webinar:

I_ _ _ _ _ _

This part of the acronym will be revealed after you sign up for the event. Just provide your email and the I in STOP-IT will be emailed straight to you!

T_ _ _ _ _ _

The clincher! This is the most powerful of the 6 design tips and will be revealed and explained in full during the live webinar.

This highlights the need to attend the webinar even more, rather than giving all the information away on the registration page.

We also took out the testimonials that were referring to a different product than the presentation design tips webinar, as they weren't related to the goal of the landing page and ran the risk of confusing visitors about what they were actually signing up for.

Process Two - Workshop Your Copy

I'm going to let you in on a little industry secret... not even the best copywriters are capable of literary genius on their first drafts. It's a process, and it takes time and multiple revisions to craft the perfect copy.

You can always go more specific, more emotional.

One really great trick to nail down the benefits and pain points as vividly as possible is to use the "so that you can..." exercise.

'So that you can' Exercise

Step 1: Open a notepad or document and write out the first line in your landing page, most likely your headline. 

Step 2: Now add 'so that you can...' to the end of the line and finish the sentence. An example would be [Make better sales pages] so that you can... [rely on a consistent hands off income] so that you can... [spend more time with your family] so that you can... 

Write down each variation and go at least four 'so that you can's deep.

Step 3: Repeat for every dot point, headline and sub-headline, and choose the best variations for the final page.

Let's have a look at this exercise in practice for the landing page remake below. 

Their headline is "6 Easy Presentation Design Tips That Will Help You Sell More"

So that you can...

  • Captivate your audience
  • Get your message, product or point across effectively
  • Keep your audience engaged throughout the whole presentation
  • Quickly and easily boost the effectiveness of your talk
  • Let the slides do the hard work for you so that you can concentrate on the delivery of your talk AND make the delivery easy by prepping great slides

So that you can...

  • Have your audience on the edge of their seat, eating out of the palm of your hand
  • It’s a breeze to communicate your message / sell your thing
  • People will be convinced much easier
  • No one falls asleep during your presentation (embarrassing!) and you don’t have to stare at a sea of distracted & bored faces
  • You can sell more of your product with less effort

As you can see the message gets more vivid and specific the more you drill down. From here you would select the most powerful line from the exercise, or combine a few.


If you are a Thrive Themes Member you can learn more about improving your Landing Page copy with Shane's Member's Only Landing Page Copywriting Course.

From Just Woke Up to Suited Up

Let's take a look at the after of the landing page remake.

(Click to enlarge)

You'll notice everything on the page is laser focused towards pushing the visitor to sign up and attend the webinar. The copy is more specific and hits the emotional buttons harder.

Get Your Zhoosh On!

By running through these exercises every time you create a landing page you've got a sure fire way to improve the end result.

Now I've got a quick assignment for you - you're going to do a little before and after of your own!

Go to the latest landing page you've created and do the 'so that you can...' exercise on your headline.

Post the original and the new and improved headline in the comments below. Can't wait to see what you come up with.

Written on April 18, 2018

About the author
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Stephanie K
Stephanie is a slow traveler who loves anything that can be described as remote, country or outback. She dabbles in documentary making and seeks out unique experiences. With a passion for helping small business utilize the internet for growth, she enjoys demystifying the web for those who could benefit from it most.

Disclosure: Our content is reader-supported. This means if you click on some of our links, then we may earn a commission. We only recommend products that we believe will add value to our readers.

Leave a Comment

  • Helpful tips particularly ‘So that you can…’

    I also like to ask myself the ‘So what’ & ‘Which means…’ regarding copy.

    Personally, I struggle to formulate the right emotional tone.

    • Those are good ones to ask too!
      Emotional writing is the hardest. I love to read through some testimonials to get in the mood and mirror the customer language when writing copy.

  • thanks, Stephanie, great tutorial, the “so that you can” exercise is brilliant, really brings out more creativity when writing a headline that has more of an emotive response, I’ll definitely try it.

  • The content that Thrive provides is always very helpful and much appreciated.

    For this landing page remake, however, I am at odds with your advice and recommendations. The major problem with the original landing page was that the headline was very difficult to read because of the font that was selected. The page also lacked a compelling graphic as a focal point.

    Reducing the size of the headline created a situation where the eye does not know where to go; creating a situation where the page had no focal point. Although your other suggestions were good, the fact that the page never grabbed the reader in the first 5 seconds meant that everything else that was done to improve this page went unnoticed.

    • Hi Jayne,
      Thanks for your comment.
      I believe the “Learn the 6 presentation design tips” heading to catch the attention but this would certainly be something to test!

  • Thank you Stephanie. A very instructive critique of the above landing page. Its definitely more inspiring and builds the reader’s curiosity to join.

  • This was awesome to listen to, even though I dont have landing pages yet. Love the ‘so that you can’ trick. Can apply that to anything really. Thanks.

  • I am new to all of this and am confused … Can I make an opt-in box in Thrive Leads and then link it to a Landing Page created in Thrive Architect? Thanks

  • Whenever I make a landing page for a client that I designed with thrive, I do it with my membership which I’ve loaded thrive architect onto their WordPress. What if I want to sell that Same landing page to another client how do I export a copy?

  • {"email":"Email address invalid","url":"Website address invalid","required":"Required field missing"}