Success Stories

Read the journey of real entrepreneurs who transformed their ideas into profitable businesses with Thrive Themes. 

Our Successful Clients

On this page you'll find real stories from real people who dared to dream big. They took the initiative, overcame challenges, and made remarkable results in their online businesses. 

Read their stories and get inspired to start your own journey!

Learn How a DIY Solopreneur Transformed His Second Language Study Materials into a Successful Online Business.  Watch the video below to see how Colten built a successful e-Commerce & e-Learning business – on a shoestring budget –using the Thrive Suite toolkit ... 

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Learn how A Professional Online Marketer Builds Profitable Sales & Lead Generation Funnels Using Thrive Suite.  Watch the video below to see why Nataliya Rey builds her client sites & sales funnels exclusively with Thrive Suite  ...  “I know that every single

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Learn How a DIY Solopreneur Transformed His Second Language Study Materials into a Successful Online Business. Watch the video below to see how Colten built a successful e-Commerce & e-Learning business – on a shoestring budget –using the Thrive Suite toolkit ... â€œThrive Suite

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How two business partners make the most of Thrive Suite to build 6-figure online businesses.Watch the video below to hear how Chris & Sa El worked together to build from scratch using ALL the tools and plugins available inside Thrive Suite

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Learn how an Indie musician built multiple 6-figure online businesses using The Conversion-Focused Tools Inside Thrive Suite. Watch the video below to learn how Tobias Rauscher deployed the entire Thrive Suite toolkit to create an online info-product empire — teaching what he loves

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Learn how a college student built a full-time coaching business leveraging the power of Thrive Suite. Watch the video below to learn how Mica turned her hobby blog into a full-time online business using each of the conversion focused tools included inside Thrive

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How Sa El used Thrive Architect & Thrive Theme Builder to transform a simple idea into a HIGH 6-figure online business. Watch the video below to hear how Sa El built from the ground up leveraging the incredible power of Thrive Suite ... â€œWith

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Turning personal expertise into a thriving online business isn't always a straight path -- or a quick event. Valentina Manini's journey from therapist to successful entrepreneur shows how one step after the other can lead to remarkable destinations.Valentina's story isn't just inspiring

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In a world where complexity and "doing more" are often seen as markers of success, it's easy to forget how effective straightforward, simple strategies can be.Why stretch yourself thin, trying to be everywhere at the same time, when you can get maximum

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Nothing beats the thrill of starting your own business.The moment when you decide to start building your own path to creating the life of your dreams. But, this journey comes with a lot of doubt, uncertainties, and challenges. Even the most experienced entrepreneurs

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Starting a business is an adventure filled with excitement, but let's be honest, it's also riddled with its fair share of hurdles.Fear of the unknown, feeling overwhelmed by the sheer volume of tasks, and the daunting prospect of standing out in a

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One of the best parts about building new WordPress themes and tools is seeing how people use them in the real world. We know how we envisioned them to be used… but we’re always surprised and blown away by the amazing websites

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We’ve always advocated making your website as fast as possible to improve conversion rates, reduce bounce rates, provide a better visitor experience, and encourage better SEO performance.It’s a proven fact: faster websites = better business.But this year Google took it to the

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No, that isn’t a clickbait title... it’s the real deal.We really did instantly boost our sales page conversion rate by a staggering 25% with one simple change. This isn’t a sensational claim built around a rogue sales spike either – it’s a

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It’s time to continue our blog series exploring how real people – just like you – are building successful online businesses using the tools within Thrive Suite.But today we’re asking the hard questions... What do you want to achieve in life, and

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Are you ready for some inspiration? Education? Perspiration?Well, adjust your sweatband and get ready to explore a selection of fantastic fitness websites built using Thrive Theme Builder.You’ll learn:How Running Directions uses online courses and workshops to scale his business from 1-to-1 to

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For this case study we moved a website from Wix to WordPress. Moving from a totally different platform to WordPress is quite challenging and as a result, there are many interesting lessons in this case study.For example, you'll discover how we completed

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Ponder these song lyrics for a moment:If language is sound, and sound is music, well then that sounds like music is language.But if music is sound, and sound is language, then that means language is music.That logic brings your attention to the

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What does the Australian film industry, Christopher Nolan, and Thrive Themes have in common?The focus of today’s story, Bradley Stevens aka Brad!We all have a dream. And sometimes that dream leads us to a different dream which is exactly what led Brad

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Is a lack of web experience keeping you from making progress in your online business?If so, this story is for you.Although you may think it takes a web design background, a team of professional designers, and years of copywriting experience to make

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Transform Your Business with
Thrive Themes

Everyone loves a good success story.

They show us that everyone – regardless of background, education or wealth – can transform an idea into a real, profitable business.

We're proud of our customers. It's incredibly satisfying to hear Thrive Themes has helped them to realise their dream of building a business online.

On this page, you'll find real success stories from these people – who they are, how they overcame challenges, and how it's impacted their lives.

How Thrive Themes Helps Entrepreneurs to Succeed

Let's start by giving credit where it's due: these people succeeded because of their own dedication, tenacity, creativity and sacrifices.

They are all amazing individuals who deserve everything they've achieved.

But saying that... they wouldn't have personally shared their success stories with us if they didn't credit Thrive Themes with helping them along the way!

So how did we help?

Intuitive Tools

Our conversion-focused WordPress plugins and themes are designed BY entrepreneurs FOR entrepreneurs. We use every tool we sell, so everything is tightly aligned to the goal of building a profitable online business.

On this page, you'll read how people use our tools to design stunning landing pages, display reviews and testimonials, launch online quizzes, grow their mailing list, and so much more.

Expert Support

It would be easy to launch new products and leave our customers to fend for themselves.

But we choose to support them whenever they run into a challenge or limitation.

Many of the people featured in these success stories are active on our customer support forums, where they can reach out to our team for quick answers on how to use our products effectively.

Training Courses

Success rarely comes down to the tools you use.

It's often thanks to your skills and how you apply them.

All our users get access to Thrive Themes University, a collection of training courses for every stage of building a profitable online business. Our customer success stories show many of these skills in action.

Will You Copy Their Success?

Reading about successful people won't make you successful. You'll need to take consistent action too.

But learning how they overcame challenges can definitely help you avoid common mistakes in your own journey. And sometimes we all need a little inspiration to fuel our dreams of running a successful online business.

First, select the success stories that best mirror your own situation.

  • Are you just starting out? Learn from people who launched their first website and product.
  • Are you trying to grow your email list? Discover people who did exactly that.
  • Are you looking to grow and scale? Explore how real entrepreneurs built their business empires.

Once you've found someone who inspires you, decide which tactics and tools you want to copy.

Finally comes the hard work – commit to a realistic goal, write down a plan, and start working towards it.

Remember: everyone's journey is different, but yours is sure to be inspirational too!

Buy Thrive Suite And Get Instant Access To All Of Our Conversion Focused Site Building Tools + Thrive Theme Builder!

Yes, really.

Click the button below to see how you can save more than $700, get instant access to all of our plugins and all of our themes (yes, even Thrive Architect with all of the landing pages & Thrive Leads!) and a whole range of further benefits.
