Side Hustle Ideas 2024: How To Generate More Income

Chipo   0

Updated on June 18, 2024

Are you searching for innovative side hustle ideas to boost your income in 2024?

Look no further.

With the ever-evolving job market and the rise of the gig economy, side hustles are becoming an must for many people's financial strategies.

However, not all side hustles are the same. Choosing the right one can be the difference between merely getting by and significantly improving your financial situation.

That's where we step in.

We've compiled a comprehensive list of the most practical side hustle ideas for 2024, tailored to help you generate more income.

Keep reading to discover which side hustle aligns with your skills and interests and learn how to turn it into a lucrative income stream.

How to Find a Side Hustle that Suits Your Lifestyle

Some side hustles aren’t for everyone and that’s okay.

For example, if you don’t have a car of your own, or have limited mobility, getting into food delivery as a DoorDash, Uber Eats, or InstaCart delivery person won’t work for you.

Perhaps you already have a full-time job and just need to know how to set up a small gig that won’t take up more hours of your time.

While starting a side hustle is similar to setting up a business (and can be just as time consuming), there are options available that may only require a few hours from you weekly.

To find the right side hustle for you, start by evaluating your available hours, skills, and current location.

These will show you what you can afford to take on right now, saving you from the stress of jumping into a venture that doesn’t suit your current setup.

21 of the Best Side Hustle Ideas for 2024 (How to Make Money)

You’ll notice that a few of the side business ideas mentioned here aren’t new or exciting, but there’s a reason why they’re trending and at the top. They have a proven track record of helping people generate income to take care of their expenses (like student loans) and improve their quality of life.

We’ve also listed a couple of unconventional ideas that could be good side hustles for people who don’t want to commit to a full-time job or venture.

You won’t find suggestions like “Start an AirBnb”, “Become a Rideshare/Lyft” driver, or “Become a Real Estate” because these ideas are heavily time-consuming, extremely competitive, and require hefty investments before you’ll start to see notable income.

Some of these ideas may be better for American or similar audiences too, so be sure to do additional research before committing to an idea.

1. Start a Blog

This is an old, tried-and-tested strategy for generating extra cash.

A blog serves as a great way to share valuable advice, connect with people around the world, and turn into a profitable business.

Illustrated image of a blog post

But, competition is stiff. 

Standing out in the blogging world, given the vast number of blogs across many niches, requires a strategic approach. 

  1. Find a niche you’re well-versed in and identify how you can offer a unique perspective

  1. Focus on creating compelling content that is well-researched and informative. Address your reader directly, where possible, and offer your opinion as an expert

  2. Build your blog on WordPress, a platform that allows you to grow with ease

  3. Optimize your content for SEO to make it easy to discover

  4. Use a high-quality landing page builder to create eye-catching blog posts

  5. Collaborate with other bloggers through guest posts and interviews to expand your reach

As your blog grows, work on creating higher-value content that you can put behind a paywall. 

Having high volumes of engaged traffic will also make it easier for you to land paid sponsorships with brands.

2. Create and Sell Online Courses

If you’re a coach, consultant, or subject matter expert then you should consider turning your knowledge into online courses.

This lucrative side hustle has grown in popularity over the last few years and we can see why.

No topic is off-limits.No topic is off-limits. You can create step-by-step courses on digital marketing , programming, creative writing, SEO – the list is endless.

The beauty of this side hustle lies in its scalability and potential for long-term passive income. Once a course is created and uploaded, it can be sold repeatedly with relatively low effort.

The heaviest work is at the beginning – conducting market research, planning course content, creating & uploading it, promoting your course, and building an audience.

Platforms like Udemy and SkillShare offer beginner course creators a chance to get their content in front of a huge audience. But if you want to create a scalable online course business, you’ll need to build your own platform.

WordPress course plugins like Thrive Apprentice and MemberPress give course creators with any level of technical knowledge a chance to create their own platforms, where they can control branding, pricing, content access, and more.

3. Build an Exclusive Membership Platform

This option works well for established professionals (coaches, consultants, etc.) who have built an engaged audience.

This concept revolves around creating a private, members-only area — whether it's a membership website, forum, or app — where subscribers pay for access to exclusive content, services, or digital products. 

The allure lies in offering something unique or valuable that can't be found for free elsewhere, like specialized knowledge, insider tips, networking opportunities, or personalized coaching.

To succeed in this venture, you need to identify a niche (or sub-niche within your current industry) with a specific need, and then consistently deliver high-quality, engaging content and services in that area.

4. Offer Consulting Services

If you have expertise in a specific industry or niche, you should consider offering consulting services to people who could benefit from your knowledge.

As a consultant, you can leverage your professional experience and insights to help clients solve complex problems, improve their operations, or navigate new challenges.

First, you need to identify your area of expertise and target market – small businesses, startups, or individuals.

Work on building your personal brand through your own consulting website and other channels like social media and email marketing. 

Lean into networking groups on platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn, and consider offering free services in exchange for testimonials to get your business off the ground.

5. Start a YouTube Channel

It’s never too late to start a YouTube channel.

You don’t need to have full-on professional equipment to get started, either. Starting a YouTube channel can be as simple as finding a reliable (affordable microphone) and using your smartphone to record – provided the quality is good enough.

Like most content-oriented side hustles, your goal here is to find a niche that works for you and build your unique perspective.

Use social media to promote your content and build an audience. As the channel grows, consider collaborating with other creators to expand your reach, and start pitching to brands you’d love to be sponsored by.

6. Offer Freelance Writing Services

If you’re an experienced blogger, copywriter, or content marketer then this could be a great side hustle to set up.

Businesses all over the world are in constant need of freelance writers and their skills – yes, even in the era of AI writing assistants.

Start by identifying the services you want to offer as part of your freelance work (e.g. ghostwriting, social media copy, email marketing etc.) and work on creating your personal brand.

Build your portfolio online, create a simple personal website as an anchor for your digital presence, and sign up for freelancing platforms like UpWork and Fiverr.

Don’t forget to let your networks know that you’re offering freelance writing services and ask them to link you with potential clients.

Building a client base as a beginner can be challenging, but there are many actionable strategies you can apply to get clients fast.

7. Become a Virtual Assistant

Becoming a Virtual Assistant (VA) is a highly versatile and in-demand side hustle idea.

This role involves providing administrative, technical, or creative assistance to clients from a remote location, typically a home office. 

The scope of work for a VA can be incredibly diverse, ranging from managing emails, offering transcription services, scheduling appointments, and handling social media accounts, to more specialized tasks like graphic design, bookkeeping, or content creation. 

The appeal of this side hustle lies in its flexibility; you can tailor your services to your skill set and interests, and work with a variety of clients, from busy professionals and small business owners to larger corporations. 

To be successful as a VA, strong organizational skills, effective communication, and proficiency in various online tools and software are essential. 

Building a strong online presence, networking, and leveraging platforms dedicated to freelance and VA services can help in attracting potential clients.

8. Sell Handmade Crafts & Goods

If you’re an arts & crafts kind of person who’s received a ton of compliments on your work, you should consider turning that hobby into a source of income.

There is a large market for personalized, artisanal goods over the mass-produced stuff – an opportunity you can tap into.

These goods can be anything - jewelry, pottery, art, candles, textiles, etc.

There are platforms like Etsy and Amazon that make it easy for creators to sell their work. As you grow, you might consider building your online store and managing your business from there.

Social media is the perfect place to promote your creative talent – and products. Especially through video.

You can also sell your goods at local markets and in-person craft fairs, to expand your revenue streams, build your customer base, and connect with other entrepreneurs.

9. Provide Proofreading & Editing Services

There is always a need for clear, error-free written content and businesses need the services of individuals who have an eye for detail and strong command of language.

Even more so with the rise in AI writing tools. These bots may be good at producing written content, but it's often in a state that requires several rounds of editing.

This side hustle involves reviewing and refining texts to eliminate grammatical errors, ensure clarity and flow, and tailoring the content according to a specific style guide. So, you need to know your way with the language before diving into this business.

Building a portfolio, networking on social media, and signing up for freelance boards are the main ways to secure a steady stream of work.

10. Become an Online Tutor (e.g. Teaching English)

Being an online tutor involves providing educational support and instruction to students over the internet, covering a wide range of subjects and skills - from academic subjects like mathematics and science to language learning and creative topics.

The rise of e-learning platforms and virtual classrooms has significantly expanded the reach and potential of online tutoring, allowing tutors to connect with students from all over the world. 

The key to succeeding in online teaching doesn’t just depend on subject matter expertise, but also the ability to engage and adapt to different learning styles and needs.

Consider personalizing your teaching methods, and making them more interactive, to enhance the learning experience.

Setting up as an online tutor requires minimal initial investment; however, you’ll need a stable internet connection and the right digital tools. 

11. Pet Sitting

If you’re an animal lover looking for a flexible and enjoyable way to earn extra income, this could be the perfect side hustle for you.

Pet owners often need someone to “babysit” their fur babies while they’re on vacation, busy at work, or dealing with other commitments.

The key to succeeding as a pet sitter is building trust with clients and being well-versed in animal behavior.

Before offering your services to a wider network, reach out to friends, family, or neighbors to take care of their pets – in exchange for reviews. This is a great way to gather positive testimonials and also score word-of-mouth referrals if you perform your tasks really well.

There are also online platforms like Craigslist, Facebook, or dedicated pet sitter websites (e.g. Rover), you can use to promote your services.

To stand out, consider offering supplementary services like dog walking or grooming (provided you can carry these out well).

12. Offer Social Media Management Services

If you have experience growing social media accounts, creating content for platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, TikTok, and Instagram, and want to generate more income from your skills – this is a side hustle for you.

Businesses are constantly looking for social media marketers who can create engaging content and plan effective social media campaigns to boost their brand awareness and generate more sales.

You’ll need to have a solid portfolio that shows proof of the results of your work (testimonials from previous clients or employers will work here too).

13. Build Websites for Small Businesses

If you’re a web developer who wants additional gigs or a no-code builder who wants to build their customer base, this could be a profitable option.

Small business owners often struggle to build websites that look good and function well – affecting their performance online.

With your services, you can help a lot of business owners transform their online presence and generate more revenue to grow their business.

Like most freelance gigs, you’ll need to build a portfolio of past work (or samples) and use job boards and freelance platforms to find your first set of clients.

14. Start a Podcast

Podcasts are another creative way to share your thoughts and build an online community. 

The key to thriving in this field is to find a niche and make it your own. Know your target audience, provide content that makes them want to return weekly, and use social media to promote your episodes.

Building an engaged audience is key to landing monetization opportunities, as advertisers, sponsors, and collaborators are more likely to invest in platforms where they can see active interaction and genuine interest from a dedicated and targeted audience.

15. Dive into Dropshipping

Dropshipping is an appealing side hustle for those looking to enter the eCommerce space without the heavy upfront investment typically associated with traditional retail.

This business model involves selling products to customers (through a third-party platform or your website) but inventory and shipping are handled by an external supplier.

This means you don’t need to hold any physical stock – significantly reducing overhead costs.

But, dropshipping isn’t a walk in the park.

This business is very competitive and comes with a considerable amount of risk in the form of trust and credibility.

While you have the freedom to sell a wide array of products, you need to ensure that you’re working with suppliers that can be trusted.

To get started with dropshipping, do your research first. Identify potential niches and products that are in demand but not overly saturated with competition.

Next, find a trustworthy supplier – AliExpress, Oberlo, and SaleHoo are useful for sourcing suppliers.

Set up your eCommerce store (we recommend doing this through WordPress) and list your products. Once this is done, work on promoting your business through social media, email, etc.

16. Become an Affiliate Marketer

Affiliate marketing involves promoting another company’s products and services through your website, podcast, YouTube channel, etc., and earning commissions for every sale (or lead) generated through your unique affiliate link.

This option is ideal for side hustlers who already have an engaged audience – established influencers, content creators, small business owners, etc.

If you’re looking to make money online fast, but don’t have an existing platform, this wouldn’t be a suitable option for you.

17. Set Up Your AI Consultancy

This is a relatively new type of side hustle but is a great way for AI enthusiasts and experts to earn extra money.

How to Design Visually Amazing Web Content - Visual Design Tools for the Solopreneur

Artificial intelligence is here to stay and many businesses are trying to find ways to incorporate this technology in their operations.

You’ll need to follow the steps in number 4 to establish yourself as an authority in your field and start finding clients to work with.

18. Offer Specialized Language or Accent Training

There’s a growing demand for this kind of training, as more people visit or emigrate to different countries all over the world.

If you're already a whiz at a particular language or accent, you can turn this skill into a neat little online business

With all the online tools we've got now, like Zoom or Skype, it's super easy to connect with students from all over. You can tailor your lessons to fit all sorts of needs - from helping someone get more comfortable chatting in a new language to getting an accent down pat.

19. Sell Your Unwanted Items

This is a smart and straightforward side hustle idea, perfect for decluttering while generating additional income.

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You can use online marketplaces like eBay, Facebook Marketplace, and Craigslist to list the items you want to sell, and wait for buyers to contact you.

This works for clothes you no longer wear, electronics gathering dust, books you don’t want to keep, collectibles, and more.

When posting your items, be sure to take high-quality photos and write clear, honest descriptions as well.

20. Jump into Part-Time Remote Work

If you’re proficient in a skill like graphic design, web design, copywriting, coding, UI/UX design,etc. – but don’t want to be a full-time freelancer, you can opt for a part-time remote gig instead.

Whether you’re already working a full-time day job, studying, or handling other responsibilities, this is a side hustle you can seamlessly integrate a part-time side job into your own schedule.

Keep in mind that this will eat at your free time, so your time management skills need to be on point.

There are a variety of roles available online – virtual assisting, tech support, content marketing, and many more.

Finding part-time remote work has become simpler, with hundreds of online platforms listing available opportunities daily.

21. Take Online Surveys or Participate in Focus Groups

This is a pretty neat side gig to do in your spare time without much hassle.

It's super flexible and easy to get into – you don't need any special skills or training, just a bit of your time and your opinions.

Businesses and research companies are always on the lookout for people's thoughts on their products or upcoming projects, and that's where you come in. 

You can sign up on various websites to take surveys (e.g. Survey Junkie and SwagBucks) and earn rewards or cash. 

Focus groups are a bit different; they're like round-table discussions where you dive deeper into specific topics, and they usually pay a bit more for your time and insights. Sure, you're not going to make a fortune doing this, but it's a straightforward way to earn a little extra on the side. 

Plus, it can be pretty interesting – you often get to see new products before everyone else or even have a say in how they're developed.

Next Steps: Create a Website for Your New Business

You’ll notice that most side hustles here that offer long-term income opportunities require you to have an online presence.

Without one, you won’t be able to win over potential customers, as they’ll struggle to find reasons to trust you.

A website should be the cornerstone of your online presence, serving as the space people come to learn about your business and why you’re the best person for the job. Whether you’re an upcoming pet sitter, a solo print-on-demand business, or a VA who’s just starting out — a website is a must.

Here are four free tutorials to help you create an impressive WordPress website for your new side hustle:

Best Side Hustle Ideas: Final Words

Starting a side hustle doesn’t have to feel like taking an overwhelming leap into unknown territory.

With the right approach, you can start generating additional revenue in a streamlined, strategic way.

The key is to take the first step.

Focus on choosing the most feasible idea on this list and map out how you want to set up your digital presence and find new clients.

Remember, consistency is important. Keep at your side hustle even when life gets busy, and you'll start seeing notable results.

The beauty of these efforts is that they build upon themselves over time. The more you invest in your side hustle, the more it gives back.

Stick with it, and you'll find that generating extra income gets easier and more rewarding as you go along.

by Chipo  December 13, 2023


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